The Guide Divine of Spirit Holy In the Scriptures.

the Inspiration Divine in when to just Saint Men . in the Directions . of part of lord God. yhaveh. in the texts Divine . and is on the major . Evidencys . in the firts Writers of the Bible how Somust know in the Studies of the Scriptures . is definiteds how just .
in the Moornings of today. is on honor Reflextionars of the Guide Divine of the texts. in the Bible. is ours Major fountain of fortalecy in the wonderfull promecy . of part of ours lord Jesus chrits. ison Book of Hope. and fiedl Honor to ours Conciencies. Ishaias Champert 40-versicule 8 in my conciencies the word of ours lord God Yhaveh is truth to the Eyes . and the testimony of Must . that today Not Acept in yuor Conciencies the Reason in the perspicazy Divine . in when the valors . that only in she is truth .
the Scripture is the just Answers to milies of Answer Denegateds for the Manys Great . only the truth . is your Answers.
the Bible is ours Guide Divine in the knoweled Divine truth , in the vision of ours lord Jesus chrits. in the Moornings of this wonderfull Day to the 08. 57 hours of the Day . is on honor in writter of the Bible how on of the wonderfull truth and transures Mores just and wonderfulls to ours the Bible who are to just Men Guide to eternal Live the Reflextion .and the Act. Divine. in Concordancy, just and in ours Conciencies individuals and the Study Personal. Divine, to The Reason . of the Scriptures. and ours valors to The lord God. in the Divine person of jesusChrits. ours lord And Saviuor. Divine.
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