The ocuppy of The Archeology And the Scriptures in the Divine Texts.

Respect to Zones just of isreal. and part of the types of Geoghraphys in the part of the texts of Genesis . and the Education theologals Biblisticals. of the Guide in the formations of the Scene in the activity Archeologicals in the Scriptures. that is part of the truth . in askings of the Major Activitys . in the Exactituditys . of the Studies. inspirateds in the Scriptures . and the texts . in Armony. and incurtions. of the thematicals of the Studys in the historeo . Discovery and the
Examination of the history of Canoom in the texts of Genesis. in the Explorations . Archeo -paleographys in the Nexts Studies. and Directions. in the Postulations Biblicals. textuals .in land and pleaces . in the Direction of the Biblicals Scene. in the odl inspirated parages. of the Scriptures. in isreal and others Nation Small in the texts of the Biblicals Exploratory. and the Study present and Conmings of the Canoom. and ousr texts Conmons. the revelation Divine original of the Scriptures is the Examination Biblicals Exploratory and the vertion . direct of Canoom Experientials in the Compartaion of the Archeology and the Country textuals in the Scriptures . that part of valors . Importands. in the exact . Exmanations. in the Country of the Illustred Archeology. in zones of isreal and part of beyonds lands how Egypt . and Arabians. lands. and Conextions of the History of wonderfull texts of isreal. Geo polis

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