the perspectives theologals of the Study in joshepus Flaviuos is on the Mores importands in the Studies of the Scriptures and the Exact Examination of the present inspirated in the Divine person of ours lord Jesus chrits. in the Comtenporany Vision of the Acts in the city inmemorials of the jerusalem in the 39 years Afthers of the Sucess that Benings in the Wars of the Hebrews New textamentary . in the Destrucction of the temple and the Archives and Conogsitorys Act . defhiniteds. in the history Conmon Originals. in the Exact parages . in the firts Times Jerusalem and the odl Districs in the really Occupity ofthe Romen Empire. to the Golden pages Exact of the Motive . of the Anno Domini 66 -70. D E C in the perspective of the Country of the history Really. to the planus . in the firts . thematical s . Originals . of the vision in the the city of jerusalem . in the period of the Imperail . of Anno Donmini. 68-70 in the culmination exact of the fiedl profhety Related for the Illustred Writer Flaviuo Joshepus. in the experiencial . life in the Wars intro of the Romen. Imperials.
the maxives Act of the Cruxifictions in the Rebelions . of City. in pugneds and Controvertial Wars . and only on part Supervivor in the tall wall of the Cities in Masada,
the testimony is Evidentia
lmind Really. in the vision of joshepus and the Major part of the scriptures and the just texts. to lihgts of the Divine Word inspirated in the part of ours lord and just Redentor and Savior Jesus Chrits.
the Scriptures and the historyin the Nexts Relation to the Major Evidency of the times . and the formal . History Really. in the paralelles of the history New textamentary . to the lihgt of the 2 Canom the firts I Holy and the II Historials. to the truth present of the Causes. in the designation of Emperator Magnus vespancian judea and Great part of jerusalem . in the Cautivity.and power of the Imperial SPQ Leguion how views share here. in the descriptibly Testimony to the vision of the Scriptures and the history. in the truth Eternal of the Scriptures.
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