The Study of just Kethuvines.

when Study to just profechys  and the inspirated Cannom the Scriptures Explian the Events in the order of the texts . in who are the Kings of isreal livings . the just profhetys . Anuncings the truth to the Generations . of the past .
the Inmemorials Times in who  are the just people of isreal living in the Great Controvertials. and the Missing Profeticals of the Events . and the Characteristicals . of Contexts in the Scriptures and character theologals. in ones 600 years Besfore of the firts Return of ours just and humility Saviuor jesus Chrits. the Scriptures present the truth of the Events in the Anuncings of the Menssagers  in isreal .the word Hebrew  Nevhin  in the significated just videntys . in the uncion of ours lord God Yaveh. in times in who re isreal in Great apostacys in the contexts of the Study of the the direction of the Canoom. Biblistics  e Inspirated. 
is on honor  share to children of ours Generation the Bible and Speak of lord God . and yuor Son jesus chrits . in the inspiration of just Spirit Divine the spirit saint  in who are inspirated Great part of the Scriptures in ours valiots Studies in the truth textuallity. in the Canoom Hebrew and New Textamentarys. to Must person. in American and Must part of the face of the Earth the bible is inspirated for lordGod. to generations. and yuor texts . Occupy on tall Mission. and is . the truth in the fiedl person of ours humility saviuor just to generations. today.
the Studies of the just profhety is on of the Majors Studies in the Scriptures and the instrucction Biblicals. for longs Generation in the history . textuals. and the inmemoraisl Adverstenceds of its just Men in the inspirated vocation holy. to truth contextual . in The  Armony profhetical of part in ours lord  And Saviuor ours lord  jesus chrits. in the land Geo polis of isreal. in fiedl  mission of just profhetys  in convenants Divine  in the texts of the Scriptures. in chareter theologals. and the Sacra Bible. 


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