The Truth of ours Conciencies. in the Holy Bible

the just Autority is the Holy Scripture she  is part of ours Conciencies. in the Wonderfull  love of ours Lord Jesus Chrits. the  that is the Wonderfull truth to others Countrys. in the Nexts  truth of the Scripture and the Mores Great testimony. in the live of the Men  in the fiedl justics
the Divine promecy is the valors to conmings in the just Scriptures and the Love for yuor Truth .
the truth that is part Not Of the Men and yuor Falses Ideas yeah not of the part in the Examinings of the Divines . texts. forevers. Must person and Sincerity and Love profund for the Truth of the Scriptures . in the humility person of ours Great Salvator jesus Chrits.
only the fiedl hope in ours Great Redentor ours humility Saviuor JesusChrits . in humilitys Conciencies of love and Agnegations. and fiedl Hope Divine.
in the original theach of just Gospel. in the Nexts Firts Letter of the Apostle Peter in the Champert 2 .Versicule 3. in the Major  ours Conciencies. 


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