The Truth present And The Scriptures.

In  my Eart  and Reason only Existing on Answer  in my Conciencies of part of the Lord Jesus  Chrits.  my just Savior and Lord and is . the Defenced of the truth Present  in the Bible . in ours love for the Scriptures. and the holy Texts in ours Conciencies. isthe truth writers  in this is Book Wonderfulls. that is the truth in ours lord  God Yahveh,  in the just person of ours Saviuor jesus chrits. in the Scriptures how on just truth of love and Adgnegation. Divine,  is this truth that motive to just Reason of the Study of the Scriptures and holy texts. in the Memorys of the  just Man fiedls . to the Bible that is the truth lihgts . Celestials.  that  the Great liers of the Men  is on honor writter of the Bible and the activity of theology in who are . is for my on passing Major in the investtigation of the Scriptures. and the texts .  Divine. thanks to the word of lord  God.   in my live. and just valors Eternals.
in on wordl in paralleles Confuntions. Not Biblicals. yeah not Erraticals.  is my major Menssager to the humanity in the views this is Great Experiencies. in the Major part of the Wordl Today Know.  to ours Etapes. and ours Conciencies. in the manys Great valor Love for the truth of the Scriptures. and the texts . of the Bible. that explian to ours just Saviuor the lord Jesus Chrits.  in the wonderfull the Scriptures . Revelated for the truth Creator to whoare Respect and is my just motive in mys Nexts Texts. in the Studies personal. to fiedl truth Not Denegated. to lihgts of the scriptures in Major just Grade today.and Conciencies. that is ours Motive. just   in Conmings  ours Studies. and the valors for the Explian Must others Causes. in Major Respect and Conciencies and humilitys. in Education the Bible the Word of ours lordAnd saviuor Jesus Chrits.  how the only hope Divine of part of ours just Saviuor and lord.  She is the truth, of the Events that in ours Longs Days. conmoved the Eart  to Must that . Not Acept the truth in Scriptures. is the Bible ours Friends fiedl in humility person of ours lord Jesus chrits in valor theologals and just. to the lihgts Eternal.  Guied and hope.


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