The Vertions . of the Researchvs of the Canoon Biblicals

the Study of the Canoon is importand to the lihgts of the Holy Spirit  and the inspiration Divine of the firts the Archives. and files of the Bible . 
is Importand in this Day . Special Odservated the Studies of the Holys Scriptures and texts. the vertion vernacules. and the praxys of the Holys when to truth of the Canoon inspirated. and the Model Special . of the studies of the Scriptures . in the option  of the Direct historian and the hope Divine and textuallitys. in the Firts thematicals.  of the Scriptures . thatis part inspirated in the Holy Spirit  to truth of the Scriptures. in major . Facultaditys. of the Scene of the texts . in the parages. longs times inmemorials the parages and the Related in transmition Orals know in the  Generations. of thetimes for the odl .profhetys and Masoretical texts. the illustred Familys in isreal. Related the historys inspirated of the Generation to Generations. in the texts in the just Spirit Saint. in the texts of the firts Books inspirateds. the Bible is not only on Related is the Major Valor and instrucctions to must in the inspiration Divine.of the texts. Hermenutical to lihgts of Spirit Saint. and inspirations .textuals. in the scriptures . and Major Conservations.of  the firts  Related. in The Great vocations.  of the original part of the Scriptures andtruth present in the texts.inspirated.


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