Tiberium Gracus and Pilatvs in the Based Historial New Textamentarys.

valley Fobis. in the Period of  the Historials Archives . of the vatican and Rome . Tiberium  Gracus. In the Autentics  files Dates in the Mare  Mediterraneum  in the part Geo polis of the Ocean Mediterraneum . in the tall Edification . and the Aisllated  Imperials.House  is who are living the Great tiberuim Gracus . in the period of Anno Domini 29 -33 D. E. C   and the Relation and the Menthion of Procosul  poncvios pilatvms. prefectums of juderaum . in the Explendors . of  the firts .Activity of the Relation of Emperator Tiberiuos. in juderum Existing on Date of the Illustred  flaviuo Joshepus , in  when to pilatus ponciuos on  Man in Great Ambitions. and power . in the Name of the Emperator Tiberium Gracus. and the firts Documents . of others Writers. is pilatus on Man in Great power in the jerusalem in times of the lord  Jesus in the Archives of the  Vatican in Rome Existing Milies of Dates Respect to pilatvs. Seriuos Documents. of the inmemorial Act. and the interrogation of the injustic Emperator Tiberium and Galigula Nexts e Inmorals and  injusts Emperator.  in the Romen  Imperials.

the Scriptures . Adverticed of pilatvs. how on of the Great . and Really Autoritys in theJerusalem of the I Century.
and the Situation and Seriuos Report in the Judea and part of palestines . in the Century I. and  the I perfectura. in the center of the City Holy. and the
Class Eminents Priets . hebrews in the jerusalem New textamentarys. Tiberum on Man descripted for the Illustred historian Flaviuos joshepus how on Emperator of  Fears  in when yuors Injustics. and  Great  violency. Not Equal to Agustus on culte Son of  Rome. in period lective of Nativity of ours lord Jesus chrits. in the odl latin. Ecce homo  view to the Man    affther of the Must Years  the writers Claudiuos he writers of  the Sucess Nexts   in the house of tiberium. Gracus. and yuor Antecesor Botitas Galigula  in yuor personal Book im claudiuos. and the Relation in  the frontal opossition in when to kings herodians, and yuor personal  Relations.
Note Achademical Pilatvs , Death  Acept yuor Error s and Confetion in front of Emperator Galigula   Galigula Not  Acept yuor possition. and Never Acept yuor  Exclamation . Poncivs pilatvs only in yuor personal Conciencies. in Acept  to the  lord Jesus  ihts make that the Emperator Galigula  in the order of yuor  Ejecutions and  Death. 


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