Isreal And the Valors of the Scriptures. Today.

today the Great Museum of the Actual City of Telaviv and the perspectived Reason . of the valors in the Odl texts Masoretical isreal is on of Manys Importands peoples . in the Relations. of the Scriptures and the firts History that is on privilegy writers in when to yuor just peoples . in Great Honors and Blessing .
the pleaces . today views , in the Ecene of isreal, is on privilegy and Concordacy , in visict .
the people of isreal is Humilitys . and just . to the valors of on hope . today . yuor peoples and Culture in the Year of 1948 David Ben Gurions and the illustred e Inmemorial Mises lady Golda Mayers in search of the Independency of isreal intry the peace of the 2 peoples in Character Ancestrals. individual mind The Lord God Yahveh love to isreal . in ours Actual present in the Century XXI, is on honors Writ
ers in when to isreal. and part of palestine in the peace and just Valor fiedls.
in wall of laments is on honors Remenberings the history in just valors . and fiecl victory of the Supervivors . in the Ruines of Masada.
God Blessing to isreal . and the Greats and News Generations , in yuor lands in graet virtuditys . equal to palestine. in yuor valors . isreal Great blessing and peace Shaloon Yaveh yhireht in yuor Doors.
the Great Truth History of isreal is Relateds in Great and just victorys, in the times and the Eges . that the peace and the valors , Occupy Graet blessing. isreal. ooh in yuor Doors . and yuor lihgts . in Great Victorys ooh isreal. in peace of yuor Generation forevers.
Isreal ooh isreal Great intro of the Super Nations . that yuor lihgts . in ours Eternal . and humility voice . in the peace of yuor Son and Blessing to Must in justics.
Shema Adonai isreal . ooh isreal . in yuor Great peace and blessing . for yuor people just. peace intro yuor people and others , in Great blessing for yuor .forevers.
Isreal ooh isreal Great intro of the Super Nations . that yuor lihgts . in ours Eternal . and humility voice . in the peace of yuor Son and Blessing to Must in justics.
Shema Adonai isreal . ooh isreal . in yuor Great peace and blessing . for yuor people just. peace intro yuor people and others , in Great blessing for yuor .forevers.
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