The Bible in My Heart and Share to The United States , to Mys Spiritual Brothers in Great Virtuditys.

The United States   on Great Nation . in The  fiedls valors  and justics yuor People  just and yuor Land Blessing . Dear Brothers of The  United States Of American the Only Reason . of the justics is the Bible in yuors Familys .  and in yuor Home .  in the Rectitudity Christians. and the Major  Hope. Dear American Thanks . on Day very Mens, in the times Inmemorial . views the Scriptures in Manys Great valors . and holy Promecy. is the Bible ousr Auttority . in yuor beutys pages , and in yuor just  valors   in the phater to Son and Phaters  today is part of the fiedl Valor to on Great society  in yuor Heart.   
is the Bible  the Great Auttority of Remenbering firts president Abraham Lincondl   is the autority of the Nexts Phaters  And  Brothers  in  The  firts fundations.
and My Oration to the United States is Oh my lord God of isreal . Blessing and protection to yuors humilitys Sons   in  love and valors . in the  hope of yuor wallkings . and in yuor hands to the Nations,
when my humility person . in  on 7 years . of odl  Menor   in The  Remenbering  in  my valors to The Holys Scriptures is  the major Reason . of my live to the New And Nexts Generations.
Great Blessing for American  for the familys of isreal . and for the firts familys Ancestral Christians .  to theys  love and fraternal Misericordings.
the just in Great valors in on Great History Memorably. in Great valors. and just   my pages of the Bible is on present to Just and Humility familys of American . thanks . that the love and  The Great Misecording Divine  blessing to  The united States of American. forever. amen, and the Sir President Donald trump  in ours Respect and afection .prayings for  he president   love  in the fraternal valors . in ours lord Jesus Chrits Amen. 


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