The firts Misions of the Bible in The Ibero american Republicans

in the Eges of the Firts Republican Independentistics in on of mys Nexts thematicals in the Related Importands , of the Leguion Britain  of the General And   Sir Robert Rofh
in  the Republicans of  Colombians for the General Simon Bolivar . and the Conquist firts of the legiuons of the Britains  and the Company Presbhisterians. in Colombian  and the victory fiedl of the firts  prayings in the Battle Country  for the humility farmers of Colombians and of the Great Nation Colombians ihts fiedl Men pugneds for the valors Not only to  The  Holys Scriptures  yeah not the valor Humans . in the tall Republican of the history Conmemorative of Ameriacan . today . Equal how in the E.U.A for the just e illustred phaters  in the herency . in  the inmemorablys   years . of the  valors . for the Costittutions . and  the Bible.  in The Humans. Society  today. Bolivar Not only love the Honors to  idependency yeah Not  is Theach in the Scriptures and the  laws, of  Man  When to the leguion Britain Expert in the Company Military theys , just Son of illustred Protestantics in the United Kingdooms  in the valor of the Bible , pugne in Colombian and Great part of Great Territorys and  Zones . and in the Illustred  Venezuela . in  the   valors just of the Heroics Battles in frontal for the Great Kingdooms of Spain  the victory is on Great part United  to valors idependentistics. in the just liberty.Bolivar in graet Company . destroyed the Great power military of the Great and multitudinary leguion of Spain . the Great Battles on Great Events . to Eyes of humilitys Criolles  and the leguion Britains.  in the  Genius Manys Great of American Simon Bolivar  in inmemorial valors. in the love for the the Great honors of the yuor just vocation . Biblitiscals.the leguions in liberty is  on of the   Great  Events in the Republicans  in activity of  the  Reform of  The Nation in Schottland  and in part of Irland  today part of United Kingdoom  in the illustre Memory of Ibero America Not only the Great Leguion Britain inmemorials  yeah not the freanch in Company of Bolivar and Nariño Antonio. the Nation in justics and   liberty,Conmemorative.and the Bible how autority. and Law, Memorably.
Note Historial  the valient leguion Britain . Conming in  the Great valors. and Not only its  yuor love the scriptures. in the prayings , and  Exercises of valors. and  The  Dicipline . in  The Memorablys valors.The Firts Son protestantics   of The Nation and Part Irland and Schotlland and England  Death  here in Great part of America Hispanicals. in the  Order Conmemoratives. And intry the humility Criolles , in just company.Civil and Military


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