The Great Valors of The Canoom Hebrew and Greek

the perspective of the Scriptures , is ours Nexts Point in the Valors . that part of the Missings , of the Canoom . Hebrew Historials and the Valors of the directions of the Formation  in the Nexts  Studings   Theologals of the Scriptures .
the Divine Inspirations, and the Activity of the Valors Just of the Texts, in Connextions. of the Lenguages , Hebrew and Greek. in major part Exclusived of the Studies of the Bible in  formers . and the Great Evidency  of the Events, Importands
the Texts , and yuor Conextion Historials and Culturals in the Dimention Hebrew Arameicals. of the Sucess, Extraordinary in the Scriptures.  in Major Inspiration , in Country Theologals. in ours Lord JesusChrits. in when to the Explian . Original of the texts in direction , to the fiedls Theaching and  to Honors of the Scriptures , in only 2 Major country  the Texts Masoreticals Hebrew Arameicals  and the original Texts Greek Classic Koine. in the line of the Bible.
in the Nexts Centurys , on Importands praxys in the Geniune Dates Apologetycals.  in the Formations theologals . of the Events . direct to the Scriptures.
¿ why is Importands the original translation of the vertion in the Classic Koine , well its permited on Search Major in the Contexts of the Bible in yuor Concordacy Original . of the texts in Greek lexical and Lingiusticals. on Just Example is the Concordacies of  the Eminents Saint Jeronimus di Dalmatian  Alexsandries   on of 70 odl Members  in the praxys of the Segtuanginte Greek , and the Nexts Copys . of the Vulgarum latinun Seventum .  in the texts of the Firts Reformers in the Great times of proscription in Rome papals  its Men in yuor just possition illusttred in valors Conmings the translations in the lenguages Comon  and Exact of the peoples in graet part in european and other major part in England  and singullarminds in Rome. in the Know  of the Scriptures in particular for the Small and Illustred Frayles, in the texts Original of the Copy in Saint Jeronimus. Dalmatian. in the Century III IV  D E C  in just Activity Eclesial. in the Model of the History Biblicals. 
the original Praxys in the Contexts Hermeneutical of the Scriptures Exercises on of the Major Examinings  in the Studies , of the texts, in Concordancies ,Divine.Original. and respect for yuor Spirituals  Evidencies  in the history Exact of yuors ,original Conservations. to today,


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