The Historial Importand Texts in The Profhet Daniel Archeology Biblisticals.

 the  importands Texts  Nexts In Order Major is Daniels the just profhecy  in the times and the Eges . of the  History . ¿ why  my intteresing and Examinings . Linguisticals . the Inmemorial isreal of Anno of the Eminents Kings Magnus , Nabuchodozers  in Cautivery in the 586-587  A .E C  the Kingdooms of juda Suffer  on Great Colapsus , in the Scene historials. yuor Kings and princes  in Great Apostacies , and the Lord God permited . on total and firts Excurtions in the Inmemorial  City for the Eminents Forces of Babylons. in only 3 yuong Menor united to Great Rest of  the Familys Hebrews. Supervivors . to The Cautivity . in the Great Babylons  theys . in the Order Externs of Kings , Present on Notably  Education   and  Menor different  to yuor Alimentary possition Habits in forms  Equal to Rest of the Citizens of the City.   in the  1 lenguage Chaldeos  2 Astrology  3 Possition of the Astros.  and  firts privilegys the Expert in the Researchvs  and studys Hebrews . Arameicals.  yuors changes of  the lenguage Chaldeos   permite on investtigation of the Firt Astro phisys, in the  Land Chaldea, and the Nexts Events . in the Baylons  and yuor Districs.

And the Dreams of the Magnus  King Nabuchonozers  Equal  how the fragments of just profhet Isahias , in The Exactituditys . is on Evidency of the reason . in the lenguage Chaldeo . and the Events of the Nexts Period profhecys in the Inmemorials Times of the just Profhets Daniels   in the Generation of the Great Nabuchodonozers and yuors linages .
my Nexts Cited is the Historian Greek Herodote . and others of jenofonte.
in secullar Vision of the texts of Daniels . The Great Nabuchodonozers is on kings intelligens  and Major and Great  Gobernaments  in the times of wars , in frontal option of the Egypt. yuor victorys , Ecellt   And the Major part of yours Enemys  in total Sudyugations.
the Amazings and others Wars in variant Countrys Not is Regusiter in the Holy  texts of the  fiedl and holy profhet Daniels ,  yeah Not in the Dates . of the Illustred  historiam s Greeks   in when to Herodotus   Speak and Explian of the Kingdooms   of The  Firts  Chaldea  in description of yuor Power .Military   and the Great Edification and Architectures  of on King in forrage in Goldens of others Land in The Suyugations.
Note Achademicals. the  just Texts of the profhecy of Daniel  in the  Concordancy  to the Secullars  history  in Manys of ones 5600 Years in the Illustred Investtigations. and is on of the Major faces of the Odservations , Acheobiblisticals.  in the Actuallity of the Century XXI, The Great Babylon in part of yuor Vestigios . and yuors Ancestral Gods  and the history truth of the Generation in the Event of the Bible.


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