The Nation in The Supremacy in The Event of Bible Rome Imperials IV Part.

Other Nexts characteristicals in the Nexts Study of the Scriptures and Texts Inspirated is the Nation Majorminds In The Supremacy Rome Imperials.  ¿ why  is Importand  in the Eges of the Times.  well in the inmemorials Eges Rome on Small Nation in Hands of the Etrucus .And the Nativity of yuorSon Deificateds Romulus and Remus. and yuor odl ancestor linages Indu Europeans . in Manys 1.000 years  in history And Acheology . why in the Texts of the Holy Profhety of Daniels.  well this is profhety  is on Major point of Descriptions .
Rome is on Super Pontential . and in longs Centurys of yuor Supremacy . Imperials ours just Saviuor . Nativity in Bethelem  of juda in the territorys and provincies for the Great Divinus Augusts Cesear
in when  the Great investtigation of the power of Irons, the Great Imperium Romen . in the Manys Great Power and Supremacy . and in hands of  this Imperiuon ours just Saviuor jesus chrits . Death  in the Eges of Anno Domini 33  D E C
the history of Rome . Exercises on Major Supremacy in the Edges of the times .and the Line Profhety of Order . yuor Leguion and activity Politician , on Major Evidency of yuor Activitys. and the vastion of Control of the Mare Nostrums.
Note Achademical Rome is the last Super pontential of the history  Human Comon  and is part of on Nexts Activity Profheticals . in when yuor Nexts New Tranformations . Cultural  politicians and Religiuons. in the Nexts Dates of the inmemorials Times. in the History of the Order of Eges Romen is Call  in lenguage historial and Divines . The Imperium of Irons  
¿ why  well is Not only for yuor act in Exagerated Barbaries  yeah not only for yuor power . destructiveds. in years Rome  is . Destroyed for the tribus Germanys and theys  introducings in the City Eternal . and the Destoyeds. and Great part of yuor Leguions. in the fires  Now Rome Exercises on Great Divitions. Orient vs Occident.  the profhety ours times of the Century XXI,
Note Expositives    for Mores of Ones Longs  1.000 years Rome  in yuor Eges  live  in The  Great inssuretions and  Civils Wars in the Supremacy of the tall power Imperials. and the Nexts Corruption Inmoral and Glotonery of yuor Lidhers in times of the Writers  illustred  Nexts  how Tacitus and Seutoniuo Seneca and pliniuos and joshepus Flaviuos Rome is special in the Nexts  constituyings 2 Great forms Idiomaticals and linguistical in 1 the  latin vernacules e Illustred and the firts lenguages of yuor Ancestors the  Koine Classic Greek in  Conservation . and  the live conmon.. leguions Imperial Heros and On Super Pontential in the Order of the Times. in the transformation of on power Sacrum in The  Character Civil and  Religiuons 


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