The University and Seminary In the Instrucction of the Scriptures.

in this Moornings ,  in the Nexts Thematicals of The  Instrucctions. in when to Valors of the Scriptures. in the Seccions of the Major Part  Educatived.  and Formals . in when to Investtigations of the Texts , and the instrucctions . in 2 Great Parts Nexts   1.  European  And  2  . Americans   well  in the Great and Nexts Enlace Educationals . in the Character Theologals , permited on of the Nexts Instrucctions. and formal Educatived in the Nexts Seminary  in when to Thuringens   International  -Seminary   in the Actual  Germany . and part  of others Nexts Universitys . in the rest of European and American , in the Characters theologals . in the  Liberals Exercises and part of the vatican in the secction Schollaristics . of the  Theology Biblicals . Intercontinental s  Schollraistics  in  Great part of the Today . Universitys . of  the Models .  in the instrucction Harvard New York Schollarsitics University and others News Introducttion in theology  and History Divine.
the Activity of University of jhon Knox. in  Schotlands is Majormind . in The Direction to firts order of the Reformers. and the Activity Educationals.  in when to thematicals .and the Introductions . in the just Country of the Bible and Chracter theologicals.
in the instrucction Sacra Scriptures . and part of the Sola Scriptures. in the valors Educatives, and perspectives, 
ours Actual Seminarys in the Exposition . Educatives. in the Nexts Instrucctions. in when to valors of the University Surthd Aventsitsics of Atlanta in the Giorgia  States   is on the Manys Importands in the instrucction Achademicals . of the Bible . and Studys in theology . is on privilegy . the formations . of the just Theachings , in the Great Experiencies . in when the Model  Expository of the Scriptures .
the Archeology and part of the Education Formals . Achademicals. is on vision Exact of on Great Valors just to Educations. Internationals Theologals.
in the vision future of the Great Valors . in when to Scriptures  in the investtigation Archeology and Studys in perspectives . of the just instrucction Biblical Schollaristics  and on example to News Generations.

Achademics  Note  the Small instituted of  The  Seminary in theology in Colombian and The City Miami of the Florida States  of Jhon Knox , is on of the instrucction of Character Ecellt . and on vision Exact of the instrucction Biblical Schollaristics presbhisterians  in the Notably Instrucctions. of just valors . and Humans Valors .
in the Example for Must  Inttelectuals. in when to Canoom and the Study of the Scriptures , is on honor illustred share to American its Dates , in the valors Educatives. and just in ours lord Jesus Chrits.


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