Menssager of Neutrallity and Love. to The Jehovah Whitsneses of Russian my person on Chrsitians today Reforms

the Great importands of the Examinings of the Doctrines  in  the Today Society Whacthowers  in when to the Nivels .of types of Studings  . in when to The Original Words of lord God . in Relations . to the Freedooms of Conciencies . is today on Motive of Declareations . and just Reason , and the manery Manys Importands of Examinings the Doctrines , that Existings . in the Formals Studys  of the Scriptures . ¿ Why  in points Exagesis Existings Doctrines Not  Inspirateds for the Order Divine. in the that permited . Must Types . Not inspirateds of the Bible in The Conciencies of the Tall Members of the today Society Whacthower Bible and tracks . the Humilitys and just person in The familys Small Jehovah of the whitsneses  in the Illustred Nation of  Russian   in the just Jehovah Whisness in declareation formals. theys . Good person . Independienminds. Must person humility how my person The Illustred Sir president Putin ours Respect , and Consideration how Gobernaments  and to Illustred Nation of Russian independientemind the person jehovah whistneses   just person .  is Necesary on Revitions . of yuor Doctrines  not the person. and yuor Familys .in yuor freedooms . and expretion Formals.  ours today possition respect to theys is love . how ours lord Jesus chrits love to yuors  Opossitors. in when to originals truth . Christians. in the possition of the Scriptures and the Investtigations. of the texts, .  
the Declareation Humanitary of Humans Rhigts   Permited the Conciencies . in 2 Class of person the I Active. of person that Undhertandings the Truth Originals of the Scriptures and the manipulations of the Alteration of system of texts. in Conciencies. voluntarys
the texts of the Bible how texts not  incluyings Allterations that others vertions . in the Revition of on Translation . of New Wordl Not Defhinited how on texts of the Order Originals .
others Example is the Nexts . the Originals Copys in the Conciencies of Model of the translation of New Wordl. is Necessary On Revitions. in the texts Hebrew and Greek . in the  Translation Modern and Conmon . in the Seriuos problems of intrepretations.
the Revision of the Inmemorail for Order   and Assignature  the Whacthower in times past the Dr Eduard Raymond franks  in  the longs investtigation of the texts , in the translation of New Wordl of holys Scriptures and part of yuor Theachings.  permited to Dr Eduard Ryamond franks in North American . on part of on special odservations. of Errors , in 1977-1978 1980  how Ex -illustred Members of the Whactowers Bible and Track of the States of NewYork. city. in yuor Declareation Reallys and just . in the Nexts Years inmemorablys 2007-2009  in the longs Days of yuor Death. in the Undhertanding the S
criptures .  the Society Whacthower Not Acept the investtigations. in the Archives. of this  truth Causes in Sincerity. how today.
Note  The Vertions Original incluyings profetionals Investtigation in Correct  Translated and Studies seriuos of Copys Odl in formal odl lenguages and Exact texts .originals in the vertion Greek and Hebrews originals . in The Team profetionals.of Expert in Experiencies and Studings Achademicals.inlongs trayectory in Archeo Paleography  Biblicals. in original lenguages seriuos Hebrew and studings of Arameo Odl.and Greek class Koine.


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