Revitions of the Illustred Expert in Translation . Biblicals Studings.

in the years of 1980-1986 the Illustred and Inmemorial Dr Julios Manti  Expert in the Translation of the Lenguages Hebrew and part of lenguages Koine classic Greek in the Examinings of the Scriptures in the prototypes. Originals of the Studings Semantics Greek Original in the Scriptures , and the funtions of the texts Inter linears . that part in the originals verbs   in the Scriptures. and the Analitys . of lenguage Greek and Arameics in the studing of the texts of the Holys Scriptures .
Adverticeds of the Lenguages Greek that part of the exact Canoom. Lingiusticals. in the perspectived of the Holys Scriptures.
in  transendental valors . and the Codice of the Bible Originals . that part of the Direct and Really Canoom. Arameics and Canoom Greek. in the Detail Multy linguisticals . and expretions of the Conmon lenguages . in the translations. Biblicals Experiencies.
what permited the Illustred Dr Juliuos Manti in yuor Times . in Examinings the Originals Canoom Lingiusticals of the texts in Achademical Matters in when to the translation of New Wordl of the  holys  Scriptures .  in Comparation of  the Direct Fountains and Ruler Greek in yuor Multi Lenguages . of the Exactitudity of the texts. Originals . to Correct pronuncings odjetives of the texts in phaleography and scriptures. in When to the Revitions.
and Profunds valors to Experientials Country of the Translations . to Vertion Correct in point Multy lingiusticals of the Canoom Hebrew and part of the Arameics.
the valors of the translations is on point very seriuos o the Activity Biblicals Exploratives in Country Originals ofthe Studings . and the major translation profetionals  of the  Expert Asociated to the Order of the Canoom Biblisticals . in just Fountains in Verbs Greek and in firts pleaces the verbs originals . Hebrews. and Arameics.
Note Inmemorial Achademical the Dr julius Mati  is Remenberings how on of the Importands Erudites of United States in Major Experiencies inmemorial . in when to texts Hebrew and the texts Greek Koine. Classic, of the Verbs Originals . and on of the classic Traductors of Longs Centurys XX in the past  in when to valors just .of the Studies Manys Great in the Country Biblisticals .Originals. in yuor Memory today. 


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