The Bible On History In Reflextion inthe Inmemorian 500 years.

in the Longs 500 years of the Illustred Reforms in The Europeans, is The Bible Ours Fiedl Hope to the Exactitudity of others Texts , and Books   ¿ why  is ours Major Hope  in the Longs 500 years Conmemoratives . well the  Divine  instrucction  of the Translation of ours Firts Phaters Reforms  and the  Longs  Activity , Special to Theys  in yuor Exact Formers Beninings in the Great Period of the Proscriptions For  the Eclesial Romen  yuor legady is just , in the valors of the Truth Fiedl. in must Generations . in the firts Act of the Eges Modern Medievals Menor  when European and Great Part of the Firts Awake, in when to the Scriptures . is on the Major Fountains Truth in the Sola Scriptures. in the Causes of love and Adnegations  of  The just Virtuditys in the Example of the Scriptures , and the valors to The Fiedl  Truth  of the Texts , in the Firts Drs  and Phaters of the fiedl Reforms on Example Illustred The Dr and Sir Matin Luther . and the Nexts  in  list the Inmemorial Dr and Sir Willian Tyndale. and Jhon Huss and the Dr Jhon knox
 and the Illustred Calvinus. and Jean Wicleffs.
in yuor Example Conmemorative in the Reason   of  the  truth  fiedl in the Translation of the Scriptures . in the today longs 500  years.  in the just  e Illustred Fudaments to the Conciencies of the Truth , in the pugned for the Denegation Romanistics in the Inmemorial Years of the Proscriptions.
today is on New Present in the valors of  The  Just Men  Intrepics in the Searchs for the Original Truth in the Concordancies and Exact Perspicazy of the truth .  in  ours present.  in the Scriptures,  in Equal Exactitudity for the  Humilitys Familys Valdences.firts Ancestors of today Pope Francist  and the  Dr Casiodurus di Reina in Spain in the Odl Vertion of King James.vertion. Eghlisth vs Sphaniths Edition.
Note Must in the Sacrificies for the Valors and the Victory Humility in the Translation of the Bible in happy hope Originals . today the texts in ours Hands.


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