The Cosmovision of the Holys Scriptures.

The Major Studies is the Cosmovision of the Bible  in the Historys Divines . that Constituyings on Great    Model of Truth in the Valor Anthropology and Culturals. in the Topics Inspirated. today  in the Lenguages Conmon of the Men,
the Cosmos vision . is the Related really of the Scriptures in the Benings of the Firts Texts and The thematicals of the Great Creator Divine  when Readings and Studys the Texts in formations. in the Inspirateds   Books  intro of the Scriptures , is on Major  Perspectives  and Example. that is the Word Divine in ours Hands  in when to your Introducctorians. and Examinations  in the Inspiration Divine of  the Divine   Holy Spirit to  The  Generations. of today.
is on Transendentals passing in the Major Fountains personals and the Divine and spiritual Instrucction . theologals . and the Attention to yours inmemorials Historys  and Relateds.  in Major Inspirations. of the Canoom.


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