The Humanity and the Valors to the Holys Scriptures

The  Men and the Rest of the Humanity today in this Wonderfull  Nigth  of  the Firts 7  10 hours  of the Sabaath in mys Nexts Writers  in the Humilitys and Conciencies of Millions of just and Great Person  in the valors of the Scriptures. and Search  of the Truth  that is on person Divine in Special ours just and fiedls Saviuor Jesus Chrits . in the Memorys of Small person . in yuor love and justics.
today is its ours Nexts Experiencies . of view to must person . in the Great Comflicts . to theys Existing on Hope Not only in particulars yeah Not on Just  hope   in to must today in yours lives this is Hope is ours just and fiedl Saviuor Jesus chrits
in the Hands of on wordl . in Graet injustics . and Seriuos Controvercies  is on fiedl and only Hope to Must person just and Great in yuor  Humilitys  today in Generations . this is on Hope to  Millions of  Wonderfulls person . in Great Humility and promecy is ours just and fiedl Redentors .
jesus Chrits  Adverticed for the just promecy of love and fiedl .Obediencies to ours Conciencies and Earts  in The  vision of on hope Majors.
is the word inspirated of ours Lord God Yhaveh  the only hope in on  wordl in Combultions. and seriuos problems. in the truth Eternal. to ours just lives.
in the Scriptures  existing on direct Promecy to The  milies of person that Suffer and others that only in yuor Emotives problems , the Beuty promecy  is fiedl . to ours Earts  in the fiedl and   Major hope in ours lord And Saviuor jesus christ. Forevers ,  iths is Dedicated to yuorsfells  in just love Fraternal. and in the Great Hope of love and   Missericording  that is ours just Savior Jesus chrits.


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