The Major Theach in the Studies of the Scriptures is The Example of love in ours lives and the history of the firts Examples in the Bible and the Model of the Theocraticals Fountains in the Majors Pensums in the Study Anthropologys of the Bible in the Scene of the History Conmons. in the Major Fountains of the Valors to the Bible and the Thematicals of the Holys Scriptures in Great Valors.and the Divine Expretions of the firts Texts in The Inspiration and truth Guide Divine.

is on Act of Love and Valors Geniunes to the Great History Inspirated of the Repherents of the Canoom and the Rulers Divine. today in major Act of valors just in the Activitys of on history in Great Memory and Spiritual truth, to ours Eyes . and Testimony. Divine.and Great love for yuor inspirated Lecttures and theTexts , in when on Major Example of Love in when to The Theach and the Love Divine in The Reflextions. of love and Great Inspirations in just Testimony Divine in ours Hands . is this The Texts in Major Causes Divine e Inspirated Formations. in the Order of the Times inmemorials. and Just Inspirations. in ours lives how on just Mirrow in ours attentions and The Guide is the Holys Scriptures. to The News and the Nexts Generations . in The History and ours Actuallitys.
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