The Reason and the Valors of the Bible in the Century XXI.

The Century XXI is on Generation . Introspective in the Country Theocraticals and Biblicals in the Scene of the Events and Changes Wordls. to ours Great Differents Countrys Theologicals Students Biblicals . Experientials. and is today on Fiedl reason of the Exactituditys of the Events in the On just Vision to ours Eyes , for My and in  Representation of  Must  person just . in the Face of the Earth  ours Missing Conmemoratives is the Bible and the Perspicazy Reason of the Events . in yours lecttures and Texts  is on Major Hope in Country of Studies  to Must just person . in the Face of the Earth  and is on passing Importand to ours live and singles Hope. in futures Models  in the Major Hope Divine and Humans futures
And is the  the Reason of ours Live . in that Milies of Humans person .  is on Great Hope. when Examings the Great part of the Odl texts and the II Textaments that is the New  my fiedl and humilitys Reason is on love  the  Scriptures in Ecencess Theologals and just  Studies.
To Milies of humilitys and just person . in the Face
Earth  that is ours Hope. and Millions of lives  just in valors and Adngnegations .
the firts Texts of the Kings and Profhetys . is on Hope to ours live in the Guide Divine of just Spirit Holys. is on vision of on Model trancendentals . in the virtuditys . of ours times in who are the Men Comon  only  view Great Comflicts  in Causes of the  yuor Equal  Generations . The Holys Scriptures , is Not only  ours Guide just yeah not Exercises on Great Power to must person . in the Odl perspectives of  yuors  lives .
in yuor Texts live ours Great Redentors and just Saviuor Jesus Chrits . and in The Great part  inspirated  of yours Historys . permited live  in Armony  in the just Salvations of Must  in the lihgts  of the Nexts  Times and  The Generations today.
Note Theologals the just words Inspirated of Apostles paul to the New Generations today in Nexts Passing in the Second Letter to yuor  Spiritual Son  Thimothy in the Nexts Champert 3 versicule 16.


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