The Temple And The Transures. in the Anno 70 D .E. C I Firts Century

The Great Temple of Herodian Magnus  in  the Nexts Documents of the Century I and the Destrucction  and Vision  of The  fires for the powerfulls   Romen  Legiuons. in the  Springs of Anno 70  in the Nexts Moon of Agustus  in  the   Great   Batlees  New Textamentarys  Descripteds for the Illustred Historian Joshepus flaviuos. intry Romens and Hebrews  The  City  in Tall Cities in the  Flames  and  the
Extentions of the Edifications of Tall Temple in Great fires  in the  Dawn   in  the Explendors of Greats Days and The Injustics  Batlees   in the  part  Central of the City , the Legiuon . Invictus . Make  on Assignatures  for  Order of the Titus and vespancians. the Uttillity   the  Illustred and Insignitys Transures . and  in the to  load   in tralsated to Romen in the Capitals. in on formal  Botin of Glory for the Victory for Judea and part  of  the  Odl and Holy City Jerusalem.and in yuor Streets  in Rome  Marchs  in  on Exivitions . of Great Victory for the Wars intry Romen and isreal  in the Books  of Vespancians.  only for Romen ith is on Great Victory To the  Eyes . of the  yuor People  in the  frontal Wars intro Hebrews and Romens, Must familys . Cautives to Rome. how on Tall Standarts and the Special  Botin of tall wars. and Great part of the yuors uttensiluios . in Control for the Romen Legiunarys Invictus. and the Writers  perspicazys  of  The Occulars Whitsneses  flaviuo joshepus . in the Great Valors  of on Ducuments in perspectives Reallys. Milies of Hebrews Rebels  Death  in the Citys of the Towers Talls  for the Legiuon Invictus of Vespancian . the Calcules, 3.981 and others 30.600 Cautives and  yuors Act  To the Romen.   in the Calcules of the humilitys familys Slaves, to The Servicies Imperials. in The  Botin of  the House  Tribunes  of the Flaviums  and the Order of the Emperator Vespancian.   the just profhety , is views in the pages of the History . in order Chronology  in Reallys Sucess of Anno  Donmini 70  D. E. C  Others  Series of the  Nexts  Documents in the Archives di  li Museum di li Vaticani in Civita di la  Roma Archives  in Inmemorial Recoopylations . of the historian of the Century I And II  in testimony Truth. of the Act 


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