The Temple the Scriptures and the Testimonys of Joshepus flaviuos.

Jerusalem . year  Domini 59-70 the texts in the vision of the City holy in the Vision of the Recoopylation of the Library and Files of the Odl Temple Besfore of the Total Desvatation for the Legiuon .Invictus the Activity Leguionraum di Cestium Galus. and Titus flavitums  the illustred Historians Joshephus flaviuos in yours  Descriptions in The vision the Great Temple and the Order of the Chronicals. in the Vision of the Jerusalem of the Firts I Century.

the Major part of the edification of the Jerusalem of Firts Century. I in the Activity of Great Temple of Herodians, Existing on library  Special in the dates Generational of isreal and yuor Ancestors . for the Eminents Priets and Scribanus in the Society of the Guard the Documents . in the History of isreal in yuors Orders and the Recoopylation of the Great Texts  and small Documents . Besfore of the Great Desvastation for the wars and The tall  fires . in the Anno Domini 70 D.E.C   and the Firts ExtraDocuments . of longs Familys. in isreal.of Inmemorials   Times. 
The Chronical of the Joshepus Flaviuos Permited Views , Others types of Experiencies . in the History  New textamentarys . in the Odservations. and the Major  recoopylation of the history in the just Ancestors of ours lord  Jesus  Chrits.  
and part Extra of the Documents . in the  Major Texts . and Books Inspirateds and Others . Ocult in the Beyonds Territories and Zones Extencess of Kunram. in the vastion of the  Great Desert of Sea Death. for the just Eseniuos.  in Recoopylations of the Studys of today Archeologys . Comteporanys in the Exact Testimony Inmemorails . in the Firts Centurys. D .E C  in the Firts Century in the longs Days of the year 70  in the Desvastation . of the Holy City  of Jerusalem . 39 years of yuor Adverticed profhetycal Desvastations.  for the Great Legiuon Invictus of the Imperials House  of the Flaviuos. in fires of the jerusalem of the Century I. D.E.C in Order  Historials. of the past in isreal. in Conmemorative Missing. and Asedius for the Imperials  forces   and the Vertion of the testimony . Historial in jerusalem in the today 2.000 years in the Exact Archeology . and vertion  of  The  Inmemorials  Texts . in the Hebrew and the Illustred Lenguages Arcaics Arameics. in the jerusalem  and part of zones of Palestine today . in the Actual Century XXI.


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