The Traditions of the Men and the Truth Original of the Bible. in The Perspicazy.

in the Year Donmini of the 787 D.E  Christians  The  firts Adorations . in the Traditions of the Ancestors  in when to The  Culte of the Icons , the Word Icons in the Classic lenguage Greek Originals. and the Vertions. Culte of The  Koine. Imagens and Statueds , others translations in Affirmation Monuments . in the Scriptures , and the Texts Divine of the Bible in the Conciencies and Pugned for the Reason  Direct of the Events of the firts Ideas Ancestrals Pagans . in the Men Vs the Traditions . in when to Adoreation to Idols. and Gods Stercolices is this Traditions of the Firts Anals of theWordl Odl intro of the pagans peoples  of  Babylons , and the Small Territories and Districs of isreal Inmemorials . in when to Activity and Adoration to Every Class of Seriuos Monuments . in the Activity of wordl Odl A .C  in the Odl Territories of Egypt the Firts and Great Pontential .in Profanations . is on Exact Copy of the Past Odl in the Traditions of the Mens , is in the Years Donmini 787 in that the  Great Churth of Romanistics . Acept  the Reason of the Icons   in the Adorations Ecexquials of  the  Great Comunity.
473 years Besfores the Great Constantinus Magnus Advertices  the  Ideal of the Adoration . to  just in Icons. Similliars to The Emperators. Romanistics , and  The   Ancestors of  The Great Emperator ,
the Scriptures  in the Studies and the Lihgts of the Truth  To Ours Conciencies . Adverticed in the Nexts Texts Hermeneuticals , and  the Nexts Point. Exodus Champert 20. its incluiyings . the Not Adoreation of  Icons in others  types  of Monumentals . Similliars . to the Representation intry Criatures . and person.  ihts in the Divines laws of Convenat is Denegated for the  Order Divine in ours Lord Yhaveh  o Jehovah  The Culte pagans in the Related of the Odl Territories and districs of Isreal Inmemorial  is Considerablyminds on Great Transgretion to the Laws  and its Incluyings . 2 Reason . the 1  Adoration ,personal of icones Ancestrals. 2  Make and Diseñed of Small figures  intro person and Animals in the   Monuments . in  Representation of  The Animals . Criatures Airs  and person.
Note Achademicals . the figures of Ark this Differents  ¿ why  well its is on Representation Not idolatricals of The  Lord  God  in figures only on Representation Divine of the future and on Prefigurization of lord Jesus Chrits the Ark  Not Acept Adoration Individual and personal of isreal and yuor people  only that Must  inmemorials Isreal  Respect The Shekhina  the Presentials of  Power Divine Live intro of the odl Portatil  Santuary  and on Representation Solemnity of the Promecy in ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Chrits in  the Generations. of the  History. New Textamentarys  Originals.
Singullar   Note  the Ark of  The Convenat  Never  Recived   Idolatry Personal e Individual how on Single  Odjeted  of  the  part   in the  Inmemorials  People   of isreal. and Yuors Generations its is  Majormind  on Representation. of the Future I Advenimient of ours just Saviour and  Lord  Jesus Christ  696 years Affthers  in yuor Just and  Divine Small  Ministery. 3 years and Medie in the Explendors of  yuor Promecy. to  The  The  longs 500 years  the just Phaters of the Reform Undhertadings  in the investtigation Hermeneuticals in  ihts Special points. in the Perpicazy of the Scriptures.  beyonds of  the  Traditions. of the  Men.  and  The Individual Culte of  The  Icones


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