The Valors Scientistics and Vocationals of the Bible

The Scriptures in the Fiedl Option of the Valors in The  Vocational  Studys  and Scientsitics the Bible is ours Guide Divine, and the Major Perspectives of The  Studies . Inspirateds in the Reason of the Contexts Divine e Historials  ¿ why  well in the Firts  four Nexts Centurys the Valors of the Vocation Divine in the Line of the Perspectives of the Scriptures is on Major Fountains in the Firts Researchvs of the Canoom . and yuors wonderfull Theach 
in the Fiedls inspirations . in the Great  Vocation of yuor 40 Men whe are  Writers in the Valors of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit  to  the  vocations. of the Studys today .
in the Firts Studies of the Phater of the Reforms Whe ares  in the firts Vocations . in the Guide Divine in formers . texts  in the Study  Not Only Theocraticals yeah Not  inspirated. 
Now  in when to Vocation Scientsitics . must in the Past historials  Belierfs in the Vocation of the Scriptures  in longs 500 years of Reflextions. in the lihgts  of the Missing. correct and just . in perspectives on Example is the Nexts. Issac Newton. and the Inmemorials Times of the Eges Media  The Illustred Scienstitics Galileo Galilei .  today in just Respect To Must the  Bible is the Great Texts of the Creations. and is the texts in longs 500 years inmemorials. Major  Examinings and Translated . that others Illustred Texts Secullars. 
the Scriptures is on texts Actuallity and Great in the Vocation of Must person. and the Examinings of  The Great Contexts. 
is the Great Texts of The  texts and Book of the  Books.  and is in Great Plenitudity on Insignity Autority, in Great Scales. and the thematical Eternals of the Texts Major and  Greatmind  inspirated  to ours lives. Christians. in the longs Year of 1.557 1.600 the Phaters of  the  Reforms in the Tall Proscriptions . in the firts texts . in just Translations on Example is the  Inmemorial Dr Martin Luther  and The Illustred Dr and  Sir  Willian Tyndale. and others how the just Huss in Great Part the perspectives  in the Great Aport Scientsitics. 1569 -1600 for the Illustred Giordanus Brunos in the persception of the Cosmos and the Universes, that is on Great truth to ours Eyes. in just Formal Declareations in the Superlatives Studies of  the Space.  and Universes. in just today Respect to The Dr Sthephen Hawkings and must Eminents  Scientistics, Today to  ours Respect  And just Share Here in the Valors of the Scriptures, 


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