Vespancians and The fears to the valients Hebrews.

occupy the Attention of the Just e Illustred Writer Joshepus flaviuos . to the Descriptiveds Possition Imperial . in the City Eternal Rome.
the familys . that Occupy the Tall Fortalecy of Masada in Nexts transfonds of the tall Emperator . in Act Theatral in Rome . on Creative Satires of on illustred Rabitt to others Nations. in the Occupy. its Created Seriuos Expectatives in the Great Emperator Vespancians . of the Art in when to yuor personal Trasnformation in fears . of the Culte isreal.
in The valient Men and familys of Masada, in the Great Fortification of the Kings Magnus Herodians. in the just testimony of Joshepus flaviuos in the Anno Domini 79.D.EC In longs 9 year Affther of Assedio to the City holy in the year 70 jerusalem and past long 46 years of the just and profhetical Adverticed of ours lord Jesus Chrits to yuor people and the holy city the Men Celotes Ocult to yuor just familys in New Incurtion . of the vastion Inexpunably of Masada in the valors of the firts Heros Hebrews New textamentarys Descripted in the Nexts Texts of vespancian and Titus the palestine of year 79 in the Exact years of the Explotion of the Volcan vesubios. and the familys Death in yuor juts love and valors in frontal . persecution .final for the XVI leguion Invictus , for marcus silva. on Sud Genral paticiuos of Leguion Invictus Divinu Imperials. in when to valors of its Men and Familys in the tall vastion of the Fortalecy of Masada. in order Imperial of Attacks . to Great Ingsinity Forttalecy. in year 79.D. EC
Historial Note When Marcus silva . Arrival to The Great Edification in yuor Conquister. and search to yuors Valients Enemys. in the tall of wall . views to Somust of theys Deaths intro women odl Men and Small Child and yuor Expretion Nexts is . ooh is Major on Scorpion in on vastion of the longs Dessert that the Monkey of vespancians.
the valient Sons just of isreal Search the just Victory in yuors Dreams in The future and New Reconstrucction of the temple Holy. in on New Restauration in yuor Search and Memory.
today its Great Heros Inmemorial inthe Eternal Memory of isreal .in just Respect and Honors.
the valient Sons just of isreal Search the just Victory in yuors Dreams in The future and New Reconstrucction of the temple Holy. in on New Restauration in yuor Search and Memory.
today its Great Heros Inmemorial inthe Eternal Memory of isreal .in just Respect and Honors.
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