The Archeology and the the Scriptures

The Major Studies Nexts in When to the  Perspectived Divine in the Canoom is the Examinings  Apologetycals in the Archeology and the Scriptures in the firts Thematicals of the Bible and the part Importands of the Hermeneuticals . in the Scriptures and the Firts . Enlaces . of the texts in Studys  in the Part Geo Politics of Odl textaments and yuors Territories in When to  the Bible what  Exponed the Nexts Parages in the Texts . of the History Divine in the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit  in the Vertion in Studies.
in ours Moornings of today in the 0 -7 52 hours  a.m  of passing of the  Meridian   of  The Greenwhiths  is on Study in Based of the Possition Really of the Scriptures in the Apologetycals in when to ours lord And Divine Saviuor Jesus Chrits.
is importand Know that ours lord Jesus Chrits is the Major e Intteresantings .Center of the Scriptures and the inspiration Divine of the Holy  Spirit
in when to the Scriptures . in the  Guide and Directtion of lord God . yhaveh  o Jehovah. in when to valors Apologetycal in ours just and Divine Saviuor Jesus Chrits in the 2 Alliances the 1 firts the Odl and firt Textaments  the 2 the New Textaments  in vertion Greek of Koine. in vertion Greek Original {Diatteke} is the Significated of the Convenants  in the Scriptures and the texts , to the lihgts of the Bible and the inspiration Divine of the Rulers of the Canoom.
the Canoom Hebrew and part of Arameics  part of Great Importands Fountain inspirateds in the major Postulated Divine . in the Vertions Inmemorials
in the Great Studys Apologetycal Christians . in the Directions of the Country Biblisticals.InterContinental of the Study seriuos of the Scriptures and the texts . Inspirated.Originals.


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