The Archeology and Odl Territories of the Bible in Scene of Canoom Sir Robert Moffah III Part

in the Antologycals Nexts Inmemorial Years in the Perspective of the Studys of Biblicals  Acheology  in Exposition . and Studies . in the Great Crown Britain  the Dr in Paleogharfy of Canoom Sir Robert Moffah in yuors Origins Presbhisterians . and Christians . in the investtigation of the study Archeology and canoom . in the Rephentials of the Nexts  Century XVIII-  to  XVIIII   in the formation of the Canoom and the Examinings of the Studies in the Odl papirus . that permited New Evidencies in the Searchs Manys Greats in the Conextion of the Apologetycals and The Christians Examinings . of Holys Scriptures in the firts Years and Historicals Events .

in who  are  is the Inmemorail Perspective of Ministerys of the Acheo Paleogharfy . in the Canoom . Hebrew in special in the Sinaicals Canoom in the Notably Investtigation Theologals and Scientsitics of the Perspectives of the Searchs  Exact of the Papirus Biblicals . in Studies . for the Dr and Sir Robert Moffah is on Discovery Majors in the Thematicals of the Exactituditys of the Vision Biblical how in yours longs Days . the Vision . of the  Inmemorail Dr  and  Sir lawyard  in the lands of the odl Civilization of Niniveh.
the Illustred And Proffessor Sir Robert moffah  Discovery  on Nexts  Dates Intteresanting in the Search of the Originals copys of the Canoom Sinaicals in the Vision of the how on Illustred Expert in Country of the Holys Scriptures.
in the Date of the personal Studing of the paper and The Rulers Ancestrals Moffat is on of the Missionarys and  the perspective Exploratory in the Archeo paleoghrafhys of the Texts . in Great Dimentions . of the Canoom biblicals . in the vertion Odl. and Exact in Conservation of the texts in Graduals Dimentions . in this is Moorning in the Hours of Meridian of the passing in the Greenwhiths 0 10 26 in the Explendor of Day of the Manys Great missing  of Archeology and the Apologetycal Fountains. in when to Scriptures and the texts . 
Note Achademical the Eminets Dr  and sir Robert Moffah Undhertanding the 2 Lenguages today Examinings . the Firts 1. Hebrew Arameic Arcaics and the 2. the Greek Koine. Classic   in the Researchvs  of the Translation Biblical and the Missing Presbhisterian in Medie Orient . in Must Years . of Archeology Historicals.


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