The Evidencies in The Biblicals Archeology Respect Asyrian. and Citys II Part

the Asyrian Not only in yuors Inmemorial Times on Valients Hunters of Lions .and bestials Salvages  Descripted for the Order of the wall Smaltades . and the variants

  Figures  the  Inmemorial Dr And Sir Lawyard  Expone and descripved in when to yuors Others Discovery the Reason Archeologycals of the Scriptures and the  Inspiration of the Bible in The  Scene of the Ancestral Peoples. for on part 1 yours Gods and Small figures Similliars to Humans .  Descripted in the Bible for the just profhet  Ishaias  in the thematicals original  of the Scriptures .
the Dr Lawyard writers in yuor Memorys beyonds Comparations . in  yuors  forms and the Scripture Cuneiforms  in Small  types of punzon in the Arcilles. Recients . petrifhicateds in yuor Arcaics Paleografhy. to lihgts of  the Sun.
in the Just Kingdooms  of The  Sapient and just Kings Ezequies . the  Great Kings of Asyrian  in yuor Adorations . and yuor odl Culte  in variant Gods.   in yuor Act  Horriblys of Tortures . and Brutal Sacrifhicies. Descripted in the texts of the Menor  Profhety Nahum  in the Scriptures. only Imagines to yuors pagans Gods in the impure oblations . its impact to the Just Dr inmemorial  And Sir  lawyard in searchs of other Dates in The  Archeology Exploratory Biblicals Repherentials  in archeology in direction to Events of the Bible Explorations. today Affther of the Dr Lawyard the yuongs Exploration of university of The Shurtd Adventsitics of 7  Day  in the illustred City of Atlanta Giorgia in the Investtigation Pre Christian of the Edges . in on studings importands of the Major part of the Scriptures in the Examining of the texts Equal that others uiniversity Christain in England and New york Harvard Exploratives . Archeology. Writings in the Ancestral Centurys and revisades in the Actuallity  in Country Asociated to the types of Sculptures in Inmemorials Years of the Past in the Archeology. and descripted in the Inmemorial Daily of the Eminent  Dr Lawyard  today on example in  ours Actuals Times of the Century XXI to the Nexts and New Generation of Students of The Theology and Archeology Biblicals.


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