The fiedsl Homenage of Jhon Knox of Instituted of Archeology Biblicals of The University Surth Adventistics of 7 Day in the States of Atlanta Giorgia.E.U.A

My Great and Sincerity love christian to on of the Major University in Atlanta of the States of Giorgia  in Name of instituted in theology of Jhon Knox in Barranquilla and United States in florida Miami . to theys ours homenage in the search of the Answer in the today Archeology .  is on Major Honor today in the actual Investtigation in Dr in Archeology in share  here yuor Great love for the Scienscies  that part of the reason of the Bible in the Scene of the Search in the Small Riunes of centurys . in the Missing Active and Educational  In Name of instituted of Jhon Knox presbhisterian thanks . in yuor Example . and valors Christians. in love to ours lord Jesus Christ . in Great Valor in Name of mys Professor and Studens  thanks .. is on Wonderfull vision of the truth . in the Biblicals Chrsitian Archeology of the Events of the Times. and Today Great blessing Brothers of the Surth Adventistics of 7 Sevend Day in the valors just . and Honorablys .is ours love to ours
 Lord Jesus  Chrits.  Amen . in the Great love and  hope in ours lord and Saviuor jesus Christ  Amen. and the Illustred Proffesor Martin  G klingbeil D.Litt  in Biblical Studies Archeology  ours Congreatturetion and happy Honors.In Great honor and  peace.  Great blessing  in the Wonderfulls Missing.


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