The Major Inspirations The Scriptures and Ours Conciencies in the Defences of the Bible.

The firts Passing in Just  Studies is the Apologetycals of the Scriptures and the truth Eternals . of the Yours Studies  in the Vertion Odl and Moderns . in the Declareations formal of yuors Texts Inspirated in the Chrsitainistics and the word in Representation of the Greek {Logos} that is in just manery ours lord and  Saviuor jesus Christ . in the Lihgts of the Holys Gospels   and  in  theologals Fountains.  in the texts in the  Dicipline Achademicals.  and revision . in others lenguages in translations . in who are the Greek. Koine  Exercises on passing importands in the Holys Scriptures .and Conservation of the texts Geniune what is part of the odl vertion of the Illustred Sextuapgintes Greek in the vertion New textamentarys . and the Original Writhings. in the Bible . in Order Divine of the Scriptures and word of lord God. in hands of the Humanity.
the Representation Just of the Firts  Texts in the Education Theologals. and Comfirmations of the Studies Apologetycals and hermeneuticals in the Holy perfils of the Scriptures and the Studies  Divine of the Bible in ours hands.the Society Actual Not  Acept the Theachings just of the Scriptures  only by the Nexts Determinated  Motives . the 1. is on texts Odl not from ihts times  the 2 not Exerciteds on valors just . in the New Generation of today. in humillity Answer of the News Generation in the Contexts Divine and the Matriz of the Texts Genuine how in Exactitudity is Writhings  in The odl and New Vertion in the Not acept Changes . and Allterations . today . in Determinated Possition . Aisllated. in types of Errors in translations.ihts Occupy on solid Examinings in the Texts . of the Scriptures and the major Evidencies.of the importands Word Original of lord God Yhaveh  in ours lord  Jesus Chrits. in the Representation of holy Spirit.Divine in the Bible.


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