The Scriptures and the Examples of the Past.

the Odl Texts is the inspirated History in the Time of Events in on Recoopylations Divine  of the  Texts  and  the Order .
my live in vocation for the Scriptures . is on of the manys Intteresantings . Vision in the Study of the Bible . originalminds  how  person  Chistian is firts Ours Lord  yhaveh and ours   Saviuor  Jesus Chrits, and the Bible in Scene of the Scriptures . in the major hope .
the holys Scriptures in this Moornings is ours Firts thematicals . in the fiedls person of ours saviuor Jesus Chrits.
in the Truth . and Sincerity promecy . and is on example to Everythings  the Humanity. in Search of the perspicazy of the truth . that Must today Denegateds . the Bible is ours Major. hope in ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits
Major that Others types of Theachings. not inspirated in the Divine pages of the Bible. in the Order of the Truth and the testimony. Divine,original . for my is on privilegy in share to Must .the Truth , originals . that others Causes Not truth . in Menthion of the Men.
the heavens and part of the Existings in the face of the Planet Earth is on Creations . and manys beyonds of the Distances of others Consttellations . the Creator is our . Lord  yhaveh. in love to yuors Criatures . in the Face of the Earth
is on privilegy writer s of the Original Truth , in the just Writers . that others , Not inspirateds, yeah not for the Minds of the Men s. in tall power and Conciencies. the truth is ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Chrits.the Scriptures is on Reason perspicazy of the Original Truth that Others Not Acept . in the major justics.Divine  
the love   Divine to ours Conciencies is on Major Vision to ours Hearts  in The  Retitudiys of the just Promecy of salvation . to Types of Doctrines that deforms the Truth Christians . that is in ours just Saviuor Jesus Chrits in Characters Educatives and Spirituals. in the pages inspirateds of the texts . of the Bible respect to ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Chrits .  
the truth is  The Humillity person Divine  of  ours Saviuor and Kings  jesus Christ   what the today deforms of  the truth . for ideas Not Inspirtaeds in the Canoom of the Scriptures . and yuor fiedl theachings. just And Divine,  in the Order of Comandaments for Example the truth Biblicals in ours lord and the Shabbah  Others Truth just in the Bible  in the firts Dates of the History Divine. and Conmemoratives. and the Spirit holy whe are is in the Guide Divine and just love and Really conssolation.


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