The Texts of The Bible and Parage Archeologycals IV Part

 The New Moornings of today Writers in the Intteresanting paper of the Texts In the Archeology . and the Thematicals of the Biblicals history and the Activity of the Parages of the Odl Texts. in the Profhetys  well the paper of the Archeology part of the Spiritual Valors and
Historials . in the Great  Activity .of the just profhets.
The inspirated Scriptures . part of the Archeology in the Inmemorails Times of the Just Profhet on in special Jeremiahs  and Guedalias. in the Texts . of the firts Texts . in the Nivels of the Archeology Biblicals.
in the proyect of the Dr in studies Archeologys Biblicals  in the Explicings Investtigation in Bible and Canoom in odjeteds of the Archeology of the Great University Surtdth  Adventistics of the illustred States in Atlanta Giorgia . in the
Christians Archeology . is on the Great Investtigations . in when to Major Model Divine in the Odjeteds in the Longs Times of the just Profhet Jeremiah in the odl Edification of the City of Jerusalem in the illustred Isreal.
this is on Studies in Major importands of the Discovery and the Examinings of the Kings in the manys Great Power . Gubernamental and Theocratics in the isreal .
and is on the Manys Great Discovery today .
The Illustred Dr  Martin G Klibeling Explain the Nexts  thematicals .  in the studies of the Odjeteds in the longs Days of the just profhet Jeremiah.  in when to valors Archeology . and the importand Valor Biblicals . in yuors Investtigation of the Scripture and the Apologetycal really of the odl textaments  in the last Days of the just profhet Jeremiah  in the injustics of Kings in the Apostacy  in the Kings Sedequias. and part of exiliun Babylons and the descripted of the Adverticed Death of the Eminent Kings.
on Discovery importand inthe valors .of the Education Archeologycals Exploratorys. and on the Nexts Education ours Congreatturetions.
Note Achademicals . the prages of the firts textaments in when to valors Profhetycals is on of the major Writings  in the Mirrow of the Scriptures and the Silent of the Archeology Expository . in when to valors of the inspiration of the Bible. and the just Divine History.  to ours Eyes.and love for the truth in vocation


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