The Valors in the Divine Studings of the Holys Scriptures. and the Nexts parages of the Bible

The Texts Hebrew and Arameics in the Order of the inspiration Divine is on journeys to  the  times inmemorial of the Odl  Past of  isreal . and the Contexts Hermeneuticals . in the Truth . of the Scriptures in the Signal of ours lord  And Saviuor  Jesus  Chrits.
the Bible and the Divine Promecy fiedls in yuors pages in the firts Odl Textamanetarys is on Divine Example of ours Lord Jesus Chrits in the pages inspirated in the I And II Textaments.  the Texts is on Exact Prefiguration . of ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Chrits .
in the firts Historys Divines . of the Salvations . Odl textamentarys. and part of the New textaments . the Center is Jesus . in honors of the Missing of Edges in the Phater Eternal   Yhaveh  o  Jehovah  and The  fiedl history Divine of the Redentions. in the  Manys Great Sacrifices for the Eternals . Edges .
the word is ours lord Jesus Chrits in Verbs Divine. in the Translation Greek Logos. and the inmemorail word Greek Kiriuos.
others Expretion inspirate is Tebernaculus . in the Humanity.
Everything in the Scriptures in the Nexts  firts texts of  Berichit Speak . of the Missing just of Salvations to humanity and the perfect provitions . in the Garden of the Eden.  Respect to the word logos. in Direct and in the  Divine person of ours lord Jesus chrits. in the Signology of  on  Small Sheep  in Sacrificie Just. is ours lord jesus Christ  in the Auttority fiedl of the Manys Great .and just Word Divine in Medie of the Men in the past .
the valors in the Studing perspicazy and Divine in the Holys Scriptures. is ours Model just of Salvation in the humility person of ours lord
And Saviuor Jesus Chrits. to the Generations in the times . in the parages of the Genesis . and others Book importands e Inspirateds. and yuor really and Divine Priets is eternals. in order divine of Mechizedeth. Really sacerdotal of Salem. in presential of the Phater Abraham in the Scene of Odl Texts. in times Generationals . and Eternals
the valors of the scriptures Exponed the Really Vision . of the Order Inspirated Respect to ours just Saviuor jesus Chrits . in the Missings Eternals . in yhaveh o jehovah. and in the Inspiration Divine of Spirit Holy. to the today Generation in the Studing of the Scriptures.
and the paper of the original texts of the Bible e history ours hearts and Today Generations Isahias Champert 9  v-6-7 in otherstexts of profhet Miqueas Champert 5 v-2  in the vision of odl and Holys Profhets in the instrucction Divine.


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