The Vertion Inspirated of Koine and The Christians Apologetycals

the Koine is on of the Major e importands  Lenguages in the Expretion Greek and the part of the  New Textaments in the Studies is the Major Concordancies of the Fountains of the Versicules of the Bible. in the Reason of the Scriptures
the Major part of  The New Textament is Writers in the Lenguage Koine. of the Greek classic, and the part of the Scriptures Greek Christians Originals . in the Odl Vertions .of the Septuaginte Greek . in the Classic Copy Major of the Scriptures for the Illustred Dr  in the Sacra Scripture Saint Jeronimus Dalmatians. in The Illustred Country of the Scriptures and in the Nexts Translations Know how. Vulgatum Vernacule Verbums Sacrum Latinus  Seventum  in the vertions Originals of the ours lenguages Conmon . in aditional formations.
the Scriptures is the Major Part in the Repherential Apologetycals of the Studies of the vertions Odls
and the Firts Lenguages . in the translations . Original in Extentions . that permited on  Act   of Concordancies in the pemsun Christians. in 2 Great Point 1.  Hebrew Arameics and  the  Greek Vertions in translations of the Verbs Greek. Koine. 
in when to ours lord JesusChrits . and the Thematicals Apologetycals. in the defences fiedl of Canoom and vertion Greek and Hebrews . in when to ours Lord  Jesuschrits in the translation Original is in Greek {Prottokos}, in yuor Significatd . Nexts is  The  Primogenit  of  Everything Creations. and others ramification {Logos} in the Divinity of ours lord And  saviuor Jesus Chrits. in the fiedl defences of the Scriptures . in Canoom of the Bible.
is importands on seriuo Analitys that part of the Investtigation . e inspirations of the scriptures in when to ours just saviuor Jesus chrits . is Divine in the Deidad, and not is on Criature.  single. of the False Consept and the Herejia in the Arriano. today Know. for Must in the Nexts Directions of
the Studies Original of the Scriptures is . fiedls to the inspiration Divine of the texts. in when to ours lord And Saviuor Jesus in the plenituditys of the Times. and  the  Eternitys.  in when to yuor truth divine that is God. in the humanity and Not Occupy on type of Activity how on Criatures .
ours lord and saviuor Jesus is Divinity and not is part of on Creations. Singullars . of ours lord God. yahveh o the really Vision of the Scriptures and yuor major apologetycals. 


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