The ¿ why of My Conciencies Today how on Christians in Reforms in this is Writhings..

Today in My Conciencies and the of Must person. in the Theach Apologetycals of the Scriptures and the valors of the Really Inspirated . is on Passing .In Great Perspicazy . of the Today Society . in The Directions of the Men  in the declareations of yuors  Erraticals . Postured in when to the Bible . today is Not only the Attention . in the present. yeah not  in my pugned to on Conciencies just . Defhinited . when my person in my times past on Small yuongs . to 14 Eges odl on Inocents Jehovah Whistneseses  Today on humillity person in Ask of the Valors Originals of the Truth Christians . in Major Evidencies . and seriuos perspectives. to mys Actual 43 years odl . in my Conciencies only Occupy on Vision is of the Continues love to Lord God in the Original  Defences of the Christians  how is the Truth of the Erraticals Fountians.

My person Love To Must person Actives Jehovah  whistneses and Ex -Jehovah Whistneseses  today in  Question for the Organization Whacthower . by Apostacies . in when ask the Evidencies of the Really  Truth in when ours passing . is the defend of  the Bible of Theachs Concients That the today Whactower Bible and track only denegated in yuors Changes and Racional Postured . and the Reallys Activity Ligated of the Society Whacthower . in the false Point Arrianistics. and the Hipocresy . e infilltration in Companys of Buissness . of Infiltrations in the Wars . when in my past theys theachs that the wars part of the Odl system of satan. today This is Society that Not Undherthings  yuors postured  Not the person . theys firms  yuors Act in the Wars. Uttillity . yuors Contribiutions. Statals . in Medies . of the others person what Reallymind Suffer.
who are  Now is My defences Original and Great for the Bible . and really Theach Christians. Originals . in My Conciencies. today .
in when to Inmemorial Act of the Dr Eduard Raymond frank in yuors texts to my person individuallymind its conmoved my conciencies . of on Man what love in live to So must person Jehovah Whisstneses . today theys . Not Acept in ours Concients postured . today the truth biblicals is Questions.  only for Existing Great Inexacptitudys  in yuors point . of views. and Great Contraccdictions. the Really Christians in Apologetycals Heplth is on humillity Answer  today to ours Just Defences . in ours Sincerity and really postures.
Whe ours Conciencies Spoeak Not is only by Critics . Not yeah Not by love to the truth . original denegated by the whacthower Today . in ours Conciencies in Special the Original Truth Christians . in the fiedl person of ours Saviuor Jesus Christ ours postured is love to The jehovah whineses.and Ex Brother jehovah Whistness. and Not in the postured Confuses. today what is part Not Defhinited of the Today Powerfull Society Whacthower Bible and the Phensilvany States.  E.U.A in The  freedoms Conciencies.and Declareation of The  Humans Rhigts International of The Expretions. in just Rhigts Humans  ONU. 


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