II Part The Firts Phaters Reformers and True Reasonings of the Scriptures.in the Inmemorablys 500 years

in the Moornings of the Friday  is on Homenage in the firts Events of the Reformers in when to valors Schollaristics of the Theologals  vision  in the Scriptures and Reasonings of the Scriptures in the Study.
in the perspectived of the Scriptures in the valors just of the inspiration Divine and the defence of the Bible . today . in the last times of the past . 
and today in the truth of the vocation . just  in the inspiration Divine of the texts , just . to the generation in the True Biblical. today in conmings Examinings . of the just Evidencies, in the Rectituditys . of the just valors Christian today . in on wordl in the valors Chrsitains. in the Rectituditys , of the times in when to the Scriptures to nivel theologals in Great Formations . in Exactituditys in the valors of the Firt Reformers respect to the Scriptures . in Major Inspiration . of the Scriptures . to the Great Hope Genuines Respect to ours just Saviuor. Respect the investtigation of the Canoom today. in the Nexts and New Generation in the Search of the investtigation Biblicals . and the factor Achademicals in when to the Scriptures. in valors of love and justics. in Humillity. to Moornings of Sabbath the true Great Day, in the original Canoom.


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