The Firts I Textaments in Vision of Odl Textamentary inspirated and Archeology.

The Lands Inspirated of the Scriptures Conmoved the Hearts of So Must Peoples in the Part of the History Textuallity of the Canoon  ¿ why  well is on History in 2 Nexts Topics the firts Archeology and the 2 Territories and Zones . in who are . the Inspiration Divine of the Texts . is on of the major fountains. in Archeo Antropology of the Habihts of the Odl textaments in the Studies of the Inpiration of the Texts Divine.
and  ¿ why  in the texts odl . of the Scriptures is on of the manys intteresanting Paralelles in the History Divine  in when to proposed of the Events Just . of the Direction inspirated of the Faith Theachings in the firts . Texts of the Bible.
in the Nexts  Century XVII -To  the  XVIII  The Scriptures in the major Beginings of the Great Testimony of the odservation . Archeologycals . in the times of the Eges  Victorians  in Search of the Tall Citys and Cities in the Mountains and Dessert of isreal . in the vision Generals of the firts Great . Elements . in just Description . and Studies . in the Defences of the Scriptures . how Major Texts . Divine.
the Citys and Gods Pagans in the Exactituditys of the Valors of the Scriptures in the times inmemorials and Conmemoratives of isreal . in the period s. odl of the past Historials. to ours Eyes in juts  eIllustred Testimony Divine in the Inmemorail lands of isreal Existings Greats Profanes Adorations. and Culte to Icons how Baall  Asthoreh . Ashera and Others .inthe Scriptures . and part of yuor Scene the parages Biblicals that theach  the formations of this is History in the Exactitudity Majors in the Vocation . inspirated in the thematicals . of the isreal.
Note Achademical the major part of the texts of the Deuthoronomy  and Numbers is the Cited inspirated of the Holy House of isreal. in the people in the Electtion . the texts of the Book . of Exodus . permited on Menssager  in Act of others Falses Profhets of the peoples in limited of isreal in the Respect to Balaam  And  ¿ Why the lord God yhaveh o Jehovah  permited to Balaam on Amazing Menssager . in yuor injustic opossition to isreal.  the Scriptures .permited view Examples inmemorails in the past only to ours instrucction. and theaching Divine . in the just Theach of the Scriptures and the texts Divine , in postulations. in the lenguage Greek Koine the Word in the Direct Translation Divine is {Phentheucus} 5 formal Texts of the odl Canoom in the Generations of the Bible. and the Studies .of the Genesis  Exodus Deutoronomy Leviticians  Numbers. in the order Divine. in the illustred Archeology and perspective in the inspirations of the Canoon.


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