The Great Vestiguios of The Great Babylons in Ours Times in The Illustred Chatedrals.and Great Sthrupthures Eclesial.Today.
The Rest of the Odl and Mistical Babylon. is today . on point in the the major Revelation to the Lihgts of the Scriptures. in when to true Revelated in the texts . ¿ why in yuors Sthruptures . and Great Chatedrals in American and European Today.
well in Times of the Past . the Great Edification . permited to on Man in the line of Noah yuor Name is Nimrod . when the Scriptures Adverticeds. the Nexts. on Great Opossitior to yahveh o Jehovah. in the Relations. in when to the False Culte. in the Humanity . and ¿why is justamind Necessary .today. view ihts Causes. well in the wordl in who are the Men in the Past .in yuor. Respectives Falses Adoration that is on of the Great Comflicts in the Times Past . and to ours Conciencies. in when to Revelation inspirated in the lihgts of the Scriptures. in the texts Nexts of Apocalipsis 2 veriscule 4. in the Scriptures descripved to the Men of Greats Changes and transgretions Spiritual . its Men is the Preditions. in 2 Great Contexts the 1, past and the 2. present . is the Identifhications of the Today Babylons. the Characteristicals of The violations . of the laws Divines . in the Texts . of the Bible.
the Scriptures in the Direct Profhety of the Times in Really Directions Apologetycals . in the defences of the Bible. when Views the Asociation and Great Chattedrals . in the point inspirated . and yuor types of Images and Icons. in yuor phisys Monuments . Similliars tothe Criatures and Devils in tall Chatedral in the European and part of American in yuor Figures. Not Inspirated . in the Order Divine of the Scriptures in the just laws. is on just Answer to the Bible.
Existing on Great Answer to ihts Cities.the 1. odl Adoration of character Pagans . in the firts Tall Centurys Medievals. in the Nexts and Firts Names in the Culte to Criatures of the Airs . in Great part of the Today European . and others Cities the Wordl .and yuors Beliervfs and confetions is only intro of on type of Adoration Not Christians. in the Nexts Types of the falses Beliervefs. and Confetions. in the Majors Grades by So Must person Inocents. that not Undherthadings the Scriptures. in yuors hearts .
the Adoration Not is only To the culte of icons Sacrus yeah Not to others types of Cultes . Mysticals . Not Acept by the just Decalogues Divines of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ
this Great Apostcies is Calls in the order of ours Creator true Abominathions. and culte to others types Esoterics of Criatures of the Airs . in Great part of the European and part of the Americans. in The figures of Devils.
Achademical Note the firts years of tall Eges Darks in the Respectives Class of the Priets and Great Lidhers Eclesiatical. in yuor Hearts only the odl Theorys Misticals. of odl period Spirituallitys Esoterics of the Great Tall Mistical Beliervfs . Not inspirated in order of ours humillity Saviuor Jesus.Christ. in the changes of theorys Not biblical inspirateds in tall philoshopies .profanes. in yuors Ancestral belierfvs . by others Nexts part. in the period of The Nexts Century V- IV D .E.C in the Greats Historys Medieval on tyspe of descriptions. of Luchifers how this types of tallMonuments . that views that not is Reflejated in Luchifers yeah not yuor Great fraud of the Times. in the fraud of Great Preladys and monges in yuors Respectives Monastery in yuors description European . and yuor pictures. inspirated by Spirit Devils. incliuying the Great Zones Monasterial of Rome. And in the Actual Civita di li vaticani Vatican. in the leyends Descripted in fraud of the the Monges in Manys of ones 600 years in period Medievals. in the Great Confution besfore of the faith Reformers
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