The Laws in isreal.and The True Perspectived of The Canoon

The Laws and Leguislations Permited Views The Comandaments , Biblicals. Originals in the Activity of the Canoom. Spirituals and Moral . that Faculted to the
Humanity on Great Vision Originals of the Faith Statuted . and Convenan  Divines . of the  Faith in when to valors of the Bible and the Canoon and the Origings of yuor Apologetycals. in the Vision of the Scriptures and the 2 Great Times of  the past and Present . of the History and today. in when to the solid Conmandaments. in the Culte Originals . in the Activity.of the Eternal . Model Divine. in word of ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ  in the Exactitudity of the Scriptures and the texts the laws odl and the Comandaments permited View the Generation of Exodus in the Scriptures . and that Permited the  Men Guard the Statuteds and Rulers . in the Originality of the Vertion of the Bible in the Scene of the Canoom. and the Notably inspiration of the Times . in Rulers . of the Studies  Inspirated. in the True and Direction of the Firts Textments  in the Studies of  The {Phenthaucus}   and the line inspirated of the Scriptures to New textaments in ours lord  and saviuor Jesus Chrits. that is the True. perspicazy of others fountains.
This is Examples permited the Day Special of the Solemnity  in the Sabbath , ad the laws morals in the ruler Originallymind  Biblicals. how is Sthablecings . in the Canoon inspirated.
and in Remenberings of the Scriptures . when Lor God Yhaveh   o  Jehovah   Adverticed and Remenbering of Just Great Day  Sabbath  to  The  Nexts Generation Mixtes of the  Exodus . in the texts .
in when to Generation Mixtes . in yuor Names peoples Extrangers in isreal . is the lord  God whe are  Sthablecing on only  on Exact Alliances . intro of ihts peoples , in The  Respectived formation of the Original Canoom Biblical that is the Sabbath . Original Day in the Sinai. and others Nexts Laws , in Completed inspiration Divine in the Texts and the Canoon.
Note Achademicals. by So Must Manys Centurys . the laws and Statuteds is the firts in the Investtigation of the Faith Conmandaments in the Directions of the Scriptures . in the texts . Not only to isreal yeah not to others peoples not isrealites in the Exactitudity of the Odl vertion and translations. that view today. in ours Hands. in the Seriuos Studies of the Conmandaments . originallity . Excliudes by Rome.and the Traditions  in ours Times Actuallitys in the just possition of the characters Religiuons.. to ours Conciencies. and the changes Not in the Direct part of ours Creator Jehovah yeah not of the Men in the tall power and Cautives to yuor Silents Conciencies . to  the Lihgts of  the Scriptures . in Whe are  only on True Comandament When lord God advertice Remenbering of 7  Day.
the laws Not only is Sthablecings to on only type of Groups yeah Not to Every Peoples of the Humanity. in Generals . in the Apostacies of the Times . in the Years 312.-313  D. E. C  and So Must last Times Besfore . the Mens Sthablecing in the First Times Memorably of Nimroth the culted to Sun   in  the Generations of the history this is Call the Sunday  Sonthag  Dia del Solticiuos . Dominus Solaris .  in the vertion Lantin. today know how the Domingo Sunday. Day of Crepuscules Solar   in times of The just Lawgusilator  Moshes this is Day in yuor Names Day  of the Gods Amon Ra,  and others types of Cultes in this is lands odl of Egypt  and in  others parts of the  face of the Great planet Earth today. in the News and  Nexts Generations. of  today. in the Actual  Century XXI.


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