I Part The Lord God on God of Order. in yuor Supremacy.Divine.in the Scriptures.

The Scriptures. in yuor Divine theachings  and Study . in when the Firts Rulers of Canoom . and the Virtuditys. and The Importand Prioritys of the Faith Word inspirated . in when ours Creator is on God of order.and Great.Lawguislator . that Constituyings on Importands Fountains in the Valors Spirituals  in this Word Divine. in ours hearts . to the lihgts Divine of yuors Parages  in the Reallys of the Scriptures.in when to valors of the Bible in yuor Order God is ours Creator . and the Scriptures . permited views the Great Relations . of the True Eternal in the Scriptures . how Major Word Divine. to ours just testimony. of love in the Scriptures .

for other aspect the Scriptures . Call to the word how   on lamp  to ours Guide Christians. in the walk True.in when to ours just Saviuor jesus Chrits.
the Book of the Spamls in champert 119.in sond 105 in yuor Illustration . Divine permited views on of the Great , illutrations Divines. is on lamp in direction to the Men  in the wallk to True  Eternal . in when to ours lord Jesus Chrits .  in the Order  just. of the Scriptures. that Search  the Study and the just Oration in the  Holy Spirit  
in Orderin yuor Divine Supremacy in the testimony Divine . of the truth . to ours  Small vision 
in this is Moornings. is for my on humillity privilegy in Speak of the Bible. in when to the Reason . of the truth. Chrsitains. in the Conmandaments. and the justic Divine of ours Creator that is the major Great Order in the Scriptures. in ours priority . and respect to the Scriptures. today. in Small Papirus the Scriptures . inours lifes in times past . and today in the Codice . in the order Divine . that part of ours lord Jesus  Chrsit. in ours humillitys vision. Spirituals.in honors Not to ours point yeah not to ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits


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