III Part The odl Textament Apologetycals Divine

The odl Textaments that is part of the Firts Textaments  in the Country Apologetycals . in the Scene of the Exodus and part in the firts 11Champert of the Genesis .

by the Expert Rabbits and Theologues the Odl textaments is on of the Prioritys . in the Investtigation Biblisticals. in Order   Spirituals  and the Order Divine in the original Vertion Phentateucus   the word phentateucus is Defhiniteds in the Canoom Hebrews Collections Order of the firts Texts and Book in the Odl textaments Originals  in the order Sthablecings of the Codice Aleaxadrine and part of the Codice Palestine  this is on Exact Order in on Special order Spiritual in the pages of the Scriptures . on Valors Just . that others texts , in funtion . 
in the translation in firts Pleaces of the Dr Martin Luther  and others Phater of the Churth    
the Canoom is very Specials . to The lihgts  of the Texts . Incomparablys s.the person .Singles Shes  Expert in the Country of  the Expretion Inspirated and Divine Original Respect to the Scriptures that part of on Ecellts Apologetycals. Christian Odl textamentarys in the Relation
 to ours Lord jesus Chits.  that is the Autorrity Defhinited to The Canoom,
is intteresanting heplth to must person in the Representation of the Scriptures in the Canoom Biblicals Specials.in the inspiration Divine of the investtigation in Centurys in on Just and Illustred Possition Chriatains. to the lights, of the Truth invalors that Respect to the Scriptures Nor only today in the Cities of Haifa and jerusalem in the Expossition of Just Museun of Telaviv. isreal. the City in Scale of the Modern . others in the Country Dublin irland and others in whashington D .C .E.U.A  and indistintives pleaces. in Search  and defences of the scriptures. to lights of ourd love Geniune Not in the Horriblys Fears , year no in the truth just and the Possition . of the exact transure in the Scriptures of  the Bible. 
in the themes of Major Importancies in the Scriptures in the Reason . of the History e investtigation in the Pre- textamentary and the Canoom Inspirtaed in the valors  of on Valient texts and on Book ingreat interesing the honor to the Defences of the Scriptures . is on major passing Ideal. that others types of Fountain Secullars. in the direction to theScriptures in the Major Grades and Dicipline.


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