The Reason Historials .of Events in the Texts . in the Defences of the Scriptures.

The Bible is the Auttority inspirated and is on texts in  the Major Editions . in ours Generation . and the History of the True Related of the Events . of  the Firts in the Odl Generations of the past
the Recoopylation of the Studies . inspirateds Permited on of the major and Great  Fountains. in the Past . and the Exact Readings of the Canoom Odl textamentary . in the direction of the Sciencies Archeologicals . and Hermeneuticals . in the Salvation . individual and personal of the Men. Respect to the faith person of ours lord and Saviuor Jesus Chrits.
and on Related True that Conmoves the hearts of milies of Generations in ours Times. and  ¿ why  is today Necessary  the Continues Search. in the albors of ours Century XXI. and  Discovery . of on Answer  that only this in ours hands. in Direction to  the Scriptures.
well the Scriptures . in times of the firts Discovery Scientsitics . and the Evidencies of the Archives faith  of the past permited others Nexts investtigation . in the Major Country Secullars  and Vision Scientsitics of Universes. the Sapient Sir Issacc Newton  in yuor files in the House phaternal in England  Studies the firts Countrys of Universes. and Copernikus . besfores years of the  Nativity of the Dr Newton  in yuors Analitys Schollaristicals. in the major Possition Achademicals.
others aspect is the Nexts the Bible is on Book today in the Actuallity present . and is on texts of Character Eternal and Theologals
the Scriptures Occupy  the Writters Great Secullars . to yuors defences Inmemorials. and others Manys Greats, in yuor Fountians  Divines.
the wordl Actual of Century XXI  not beliervfs in lord God.  jehovah  in yuor Major Possition. in tall Universitys actual how . liberals . today in the Occupy in othres part of the Wordl
Example the University Harvard . others in the University . Notre Dame Freanch in Part of  England. in the possition liberal in Ecencess Theologycals.  in just respect to Shes . today . existing Eminets Member in tall Possition Eclesial . that not acept the Bible how originalmind is yeah not Theys permited Adverticed  that only is on Single Mithology.  today the Wordl of vatican Monasterial in yuor Opinion . is Exact to the Eminent Dr  Rudofl Bulmands  in Germany . and otrhes part in Schollaristics of the Sede Vatican Monasterials. in when to  yuor Erratical Consept. Respect to ours possition of the Scriptures . in The Defences Apologetycals. in the Vision of the Bible how Word Divine and Not of the Men. in yuors Tergivertations. today.
is the Book of Creator in ours Hands andis majormind on transure. originals in ours Mind and Hearts to the life of So Must person. just and humillitys. that Acept to ours Great Saviuor and Saviuor jesus chrits.


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