The Texts in the History I Firts Textamentarys in the Canoon and Theologal Inspirations.

The Bible  and the Originals Vocation . of the Studies of the Canoon that is on of the Firts Studies . in the Possition Masoreticals . of the Firts Thematicals in the lenguages . Hebrew and Arameics , in the Point of Studies  and Perspectives , of the Just Texts ,.and Parages , is the Importand  Priority . in the Firts  Acts in the firts thematicals . in yours Great Texts , Hermeneuticals. in True the original. perspicazy.
the Scriptures Not is on type of Manipulations of the Men in the Scene of the Menssager of the Bible  how Word of the true. when to True Not in the Particulars of the Men in the Fraud and the Error .of the Word of ours Saviuor that is the Centrals True. of the point of Views of the Mens  ¿ why well  the just Answer this in the Scriptures . in yuor pages how Evidentials  Direct in the Word of ours just Saviuor Jesus Chrsit . that is the truth . of the Fraud.
the Conciencies of Must person Inocents . that permited the valors Originals of the Bible . how Theachings Divine and Not of the Perspectives of the Occupy of the Mens. and  in the Others part and Aspect of the Greek lenguages .Koine. that part of the Menssager Originals Christians . and not of the Erratical Fountains of the Great fraud. to others person inocents .
in the Small testimonys . Respect to Order of the Scriptures. in the major Vocation . Spirituals . of  others types of theachings Not inspirated . in the pages of the Gospel and in others Nexts point and Studies of the Bible. 
the Bible  in yuors Firts Studies Not is on Fountian of Graet Confutions . in the hearts of the others person. and in when to The direction Divine of the  Holy Spirit  in the Divine person of ours Lord Jesus Chrits. to ours hearts. that others theach humans. Not Inspirated in the Apologetycals Divine of the Texts. holy in The Centurys of Studies and Investtigation Geniunes of the Firts Times . in ours lord Jesus in the vertion Greek Christians  aways of the Possition of the Character of the Men. in true Reason and  valors just. in the Exact hope.Eternal. and the falses Opinion Profheticals that Not is acept in the Scriptures how Originalmind is.
of part in ours lord Jesus Chrits . of the Falses Profhets  Not inspirateds in the order Divine of the Scriptures. in ours Conciencies.
the truth of the Scriptures not is of the Men in tall power  in  the Fraud this true Not is Denegated to the Original Canoom . in the Rihgts of Other Just person in defences to shaes and Not to on Organization in tall power Religiuons in ours times only the Scriptures in Direction to ours Saviuor Jesus chrits. that is the Center of the History Divine. in the Studies of the Bible. today.


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