The Vision of the Martirs and the Scriptures.

The firts  Martirs just Phaters of the Reforms  in the Everythings Centurys Inmemorials Constituiyings  to the Divines Scriptures on Special Book and  just .in the valors Christians. and on paper Intteresantings in the Albors of the Times . theys  Death in The Direct Vocations by yuor Life in the love to Holys Scriptures. in the  firts I Centurys Christian in the Truth of Gospel Divine in when to ours lord Jesus  Chrits.
in the firts Centurys Medieval in the Great Inquisition . Christians. and the Truth Advertices. of the Menssager Divine in the lifes of the person.  inocents . 
the word in forttalecy to the Nexts  Son just of European and American . in the Reason of the Scriptures. today 
the Scriptures is ours faith hope Apologetycals of the Perspectives of the Men. in tall powers. and the Conciencies of Must Son Valients in the defences of the Scriptures how Humillitys Christians. in the News generations of the times and the hopes of on wordl Major . 
in the firts Faith True Perspicazy in the Character of the Son of ours lord God jehovah.  and ours lord Jesus chrits in the Divine Holy Spirit Divine . that is ours Conssolators . to on Great Generations today in ours Lifes. in the defence of the Bible. and yuors holys inspirations. to So Must peoples in the Face of the Earth. 
The Great Inquisitors. that part of Great Proscription by love to the Scripture in the Major texts. in the testimony of the history in longs 500 years of the Reforms. in firts just familys inThe know of the reading in when to ours Conciencies of the Scriptures. and the texts manys Great, in the Memory of Must person. injust valors. and hope. today the defence of the Bible and the New Generations . in the Searchs of the Studies Manys Importand in the Apologetycal Chrsitains . Reforms.  of odl and perseptives Ideal of Rome. in The Monasterial Character. today . the life in the Truth of the firts Faith Familys Christians . is ours Example in Conmings . to ours vocation Exact in the Conciencies of the history Generationals. to on word of hope to must that today Suffer this is Word is the Eternal Vocation of just women and childrens. and Men yuong and odl in the valors Eclesial . today. to the humillity peace Mindtals  to others in just prosperity. and the humillity faith person of ours lord Jesus chrits.  to the Generations  just.


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