Great Congreatturetion to The Faith Dr Eliat Mazzar by the Discovery of Seal in isreal. {586-587 }

ours Great Congreatturation And Respect to The Illustred Dr isreali Eliat Mazzar in the Exact Chronology of the Desvastation of the Cities of Jerusalem in the Chronology Original of the Anno 586-587 in the Deportation and the Exiliums of the Odl e Inmemorial People Hebrew Shaloom isreal that yuors House in just Blessing of part of yhaveh o Jehovah. thanks Dear Dr in the love and the Great valor Geniune and the Archeology of the EvidentialsTestimonys in isreal of this Admirablys Discovery thanks to NatioGeo and the Team intteresanting of The Exploration that is part of the True of isreal. very well thanks Dear Dr. in the Major testimony just . in the Discovery . thanks ooh Isreal . that the peace in yuor Doors in Great Blessing. and Honors. to The American . intercontinentals. in ours Agradecings . and just valors thanks in the Manys tall Valor historials Dear Dr. in the truth of the Scriptures , ours Respect and humillity Vision . Archeologycals. and Hermeneuticals in the Contexts Inspirated. and Geniunes today to the Eyes of Everything peoples just,and Nation in the Exploration Archeologicals.
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