III Part The Seudo-Doctrine of Nimrod. New Babylons Anti-Apologetycals

The Seudo Doctrines New Babylon is part of the System Falses in the Past odl in the 6.500 Years in the Eges Besfore of the First Advenimients of ours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ. Nimrod is the First Hunter in the Great Opossition to the Supreme God True Jehovah. in the Fundations of the Great City Sumer of the Great Babylon. in the Medie Moon Fertils in the description of the Pleaces Sinars.Valley.
the Great Babylon in the point of the History is Descripted How. The Odl e Inmemorial Pleace in Great Confutions
the Major Part of the Theachings . Recients . in list inmemorial . 1.the Origings Pagans of the Christmas . and Saturnalys . others Aspect is the Astrology. The Doctrines of the Force of the Gods Enki. the Origing of the Cofesionary . in the Today Culte Romanistics. and the Origings of the Great Monuments. in the History . in the Lenguage Greek Kone is Icon in the vertients Greek to illustred English and the lexical Sphanish is Figure and Statued. the Inmemorial Dr and Ex Priest JHS Albert Rivera Romero. Exponed the Nexts . Babylon . is the Mother live of the Great Abhominations. in the past and Present of yuors history cultural and of Character Type Religiuons. today. and on Amplitudity of the Odl and odl System politicals . Know in the history Inter Textamentary and Extra - Textamentary today by the Biblicals Archeology. in thereallys Fountain of investtigation . in the Cultures of the Face of the Earth, others types Beginings in the Archeo Antropology of Babylony is the Nexts Point . Exact and Conmemoratives , the 1, the Great Idolatry in the Valley of Sinar . Afther of the Edification of the Great Tower the familys in graet changes of lenguages Suffer on dispertion in the Variant Scales . and Geo polis Millies juorneys to others part of the Face of the Earth, and permited yuor Acts and Habith , in The Moutains and Valleys . in the Evidencies of the Genesis . and Created yuors Doctrines and point in yuor direct pleaces now in yuor territories and Districs. in yuor belierfvs and Conffetions. in the

Character Ancestral Religuion and Culture. Anthrophology in yuor Direct Origing Biblicals to Call Babylon.
Note the Archeologue Hislop in yuor Nexts Investtigation .Inmemorials Babylon Culte Secret .and New. in the Vertion Archeology Existings on Notably Investtigation of fountain . primary the Based Archeology in Niniveh and the Medie Moon Fertils. Discovery Small Statutille simillirs . to womens and Small Gods in yuor Studies , its is in the Major Part of the Odl System Idolatry . in the Eges of the history. Odl. and on Achademical reflextion Today in ours Medie Universitary. and Theologals. Apologetycals.Note Achademicals.the Photo first is the Conservation today of the Ruines of the odl City how is descripted in the Major Country Profhetical Today.in the Direction of the really history Divine and Sacramentals. to ours Eyes. in west of Irak and part in the lands Limited GeoPolitics of Iran
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