On Conciencies just in the Scriptures and by others person Inocent that Suffer .

My Conciencies is of my lord and Saviuor Jesus Chrits . in  the heplth to others . in the valors of the Biblicals Theachings . Originals how in the Firts Events of the History . is the Auttority that Permited to The Men on Reason Just in the Conciencies to Ours Great . Promecy in the Bible. love to SoMust person in the Fraternal Valors in my Humillity Vision today of the Differents today falses Profhetys in Activity  in The Vocation Biblicals . and the Valors of others person just and Goods that yeah Existhings.  and that permited the valors of the Bible of  on  New Order Wordl false and Religiuon that only Smiles to yuors Auto- Comtenplations.
in my Conciencies only is the Bible. in the Bienestary of SoMust person just. in the True  of the life Christians  in valors just. to on Society that not is Constumers . in yuors ideals. my Conciencies is the Bible and Not the Falses Profhet. Moderns . that On Day .  in the laws  of lord God  Yaveh. in the Nexts Cited of the Just Apostle  jhon in The  Next Champert 4 versicules 1 -3 in yuor Just Declareation to The Different  of  others and  SoMust Falses  Profhets  in Union of the Anti-Christs.  today.  and in the 2  Lletter of the Apostles Paul to the Thesalonicenses in the Champert 2 versicules 9 -10. in  the Concients and  Great Man of The Trangresttion. Moral and Spiritual  .
the Reason of ours Conciencies is Defhinited how on Conciencies in the Bible and the Events. just   in the True Eternals.  in the Nexts Texts of Act Champerts 20 - 29 ,30  Jehovah Not is on God of Liers and the Great Frauds  Aisllateds  Never .
in the Scriptures He  is on Phater of love Geniunes in the Original True of the Scriptures . and yuor Holys Laws Divines .in the Scriptures and Odl Manuscripteds. in the Revitions of the valors of the Faith and just Theachings. when to the Scriptures Share on Auttority. Spiritual and Vocationals the Bible is the Model Divine. of others Falses . Conciencies . My Honors is the  Bible.  is My Major Hope.
the person Good Listens to  the Bible  heplth to others  person that Suffer of on Society of Falses Profhets  Not Biblicals. that Only theys in yuors descriptived Preocupation to yuors Ricks  and Activitys.  Friends and Brother The Bible is the true. of the Men. in Great Apostacies. today.


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