The Bible and The Sabbath

In the firts Hours of the Moornings of today to 9 34 AM. of the Greenwhiths Meridians . in the Nexts Study and Seminary . by ours Brother the Pastor Steban Borth . in the Word   {Nuah} in the Contexts history and Biblicals in the Scriptures .   in the Scriptures  of the {Nuah} Word inthe lexical Hebrew in the Scriptures and the Parages of the Scriptures .
in the Scriptures the original Day Sabbath , is on Great Day of Happy Conmemoration . in the Contexts Biblicals Originals.  in word {Nuah} , of Great Jubiled and   {Nafahs} Hebrew in the lexical Apologetycals. in the Contexts Originals . is the Word {Nafahs}  and  {Nuah} in the faith . Chracteristicals . that Respect to the Scriptures in yuors Events,. in the Firts Creations.  in the firts Conmemorative Fountains of the Sabbath, in the Great Jubiled in the Scriptures how the major texts of the Scriptures. 
the Scriptures is on of faith Promecy in Great Manery Respect to the Creation. in the Creation .
and the Acts of the Day 7 Creatives  in the inspiration the Acts Divines. in the Scriptures.and the Enlaces Theologals Biblicals . in the Vision of the texts Genesis Champert 2 Versicule 3   {Nuah} in the vision of the Scriptures in the Day just of Conssagrations . of the Day Sabbath. 
the Scriptures . in yuors Lines inspirated . the Lord God Sthblecings the 7 Day. Conmemorative and Creative. in the Great day of the Sabbath in the  II Weeks . in the Day holy Sabbath. to the Humanity. and yuors Criatures. this the Great Day  that Conmemored the Creation. in the Day  just and Divine of the Creation. in the Eternity of the Sabbath. in the Creations. in just Conmemorative Evidential New Creation . Originals  in the Bible in the Answer of the Great Evidentials . in the Original Theach Divine in the Conmemorative Book of the Genesis. the Holy Day Sabbath is Eternals.  in the Order of the Canoom.Biblicals.originals.


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